
When I went into convenience store
I found this cookies.
It's so yummy. The pie is soft and
the chocolate is perfect.
Melting in your mouth when you bite it.
Wanna eat it again (*^▽^*)




Happy 8th anniversary
My dearest KAT-TUN
Thank you for everything
During all these years
I've got so many things
I've met so many wonderful friends
from all over the world
It's all thank to you
Hope that the 4 of you will always
be our lovely KAT-TUN
ずっとずっと hyphen でいる


Four days ago there were heavy volcanic ash rain 
Everywhere were covered by ash just like snow in winter, 

but its color were grey
We have to wear a mask all the time 
Today are the same 
Hope that it would be gone soon