I tried cooking "Terry's miso nudle".
First,I cooked and ate normal miso hot pot dish.
After I ate it,I got rid of ingredients from hot pot.
Next,I boil nudle in hot pot's miso soup.
And,I put on green onion and butter.
It's complete.
 Offcourse,It's verrrry good.
But,I remembered I forgot I put on cone.
It can't be helped.I will try again.
I ate "katsudon"for the first time in a while.
Katsudo is one of the famous japanese dish.
Katsudon means fried pork cutlet rice bowl.
Most japanese people like it.
But,it is high in calories.
So,I'd never eaten for 3years.
Because,I have to lose weight for my healthy life.
But,I succeed loseing weight,
now,I think about it enough.
So,I tried it.
It costed $5.
Even though it's cheep,but it's very good.
I was so happy!

TESLA is the one of the famous car product company.
They are the top of car product campany in U.S.A since last year.
And they are going to sell their new strage battery in the world.
It costs very reasonable.
Japanese strage battery cost twice as much as tesla's one in the same strage capacity.
I want to sail TESLA's strage battery.