My Devilish Prince | Kyukiのブログ


Let's make stories in everyday life!

This is my very first blog in Ameblo. I dunno what must I write down here, but I'll try my best on it! ニコニコ

Because this is my very first time, I would like to write about what I like lately. Yeah, it's J-ROCK~! カラオケ

Actually, it's not a new information. I love J-rock for a long time. But lately, I'm starting to like Visual Kei genre, especially ALICE NINEラブラブ. Honestly, only this one that is fit with my character, lols. Yeah, I was trying to listen to other Visual Kei's bands, but unfortunately I can't love them like I love ALICE NINE にひひ

I like Shou' voice. It's deep and calming, like seiyuu ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ. Tora? His appearance is looks like Arie Untung べーっだ!. Hiroto? He's cute. Nao? He wants to looks mature, but in my eyes he looks pervert, lols. Am I forgetting someone?

Big NO! Actually I left this one for the last. Why? Because he is MY BLOG TOPIC~! (///∇//)
Yeah, HE IS SAGA, the bassist. I LOVE HIME TO DEATH! (^з^)-☆Chu!! I write it not because I like him, but because I LOVE HIM. Yeah, I'm sure that there are a lot of fans who will say the same. BUT I DON'T LOVE HIM AS A FANS, I LOVE HIM AS A GIRL. I know that I'm just a 20 years old girl. I only got that number 4 days ago. But, I don't know either, I really really WANT TO MARRY SAGAラブラブ!. It's crazy, rite?

Kyukiのブログ-My Saga

Before, when I love Sugi from WEAVER, I only wanted to be his girlfriend. But now, I want TO MARRY Saga~! o(^^o)(o^^)o

LOVE IS BLIND, that's so right!

I know that he is 30 years old now. I know his attitude and his character. Maybe I know a lot of thing about him. So, I must known about his weakness and negative points, rite?

Although I have known it, I can't throw my deep feeling to Saga. I really really in love with him 恋の矢

I even daydreams about our story. The day before yesterday I daydreamed about our wedding. Yesterday, I daydreamed about our meeting after concert, how I propose him to his mother, how we arguing about our daughters name, and arguing about his lips that perforated. My friend commented, "This hole was because Mom BITED your Daddy when we were dating." And you know? I laughed because of that. And I don't know why, I was feel embarrassed although I don't do it to Saga.

Saga is.. I think Saga is a tsundere type. Cold outside, warm inside. I sometimes afraid with his eyes, but suddenly I feel his loneliness しょぼん I think that his way of mollesting his bass is the worst, but I don't mind if he do the same to me, lols (〃∇〃)

Thing that I proud about him is he thinking about his parent(althogh now he looks like parasite single who is still living with his parent). He said that, if he were given money, he would like to give his parent a half of amount. Then he said that he want to give them grandchildren! This is a good point of My Saga. Actually, in Japan society, many people said that having children are something noisy. TO have a child is a hard part, because school fees in Japan are so high. But Saga don't think so. He sadi that he want to have THREE DAUGHTERS! It's a great idea I think.

Ya. Actually I can't to not like Saga from the whole side. ALthough he often mollest his bass at lives, he kiss Shou at lives too, or other things. In the end, I still loving him. Yeah, he is my devilish prince, and I hope he will turn to be my devilish husband in reality.

It's not a joke! I'm serious this time. I think I'll cry a lot if finally Saga married another girl ううっ....