Hello and welcome to 6 minute English. I’m Alice

And I’m Neil

Ok Alice, ofcouse I’ve got something for you here …a question


Ready? You are already

What is the Mexican version of One Direction?

I’mUm… No idea.

Juan direction. Get it?

Very good

juan direction …you know?

Yes,yes, I guss get it

Never mind. Can you guess what the subject of today’s show is instead,

Is it bad jokes?

Oh Come on! now is that is a good little gag

Yes the subject of today’s show is what mekes us laugh.

And in this context. miscontecs to get something, for egsanple example a gag or joke, or means to understanded it. we all like to laugh- well not you apparently- know  but most of us do! It's good for our health, it reduces stress and releases feel-good hormones in the body