
This entry is a follow up on yesterday's entry.

I wrote about "radio exercises" in previous entry, but I realized that many people might wondered what radio exercises are. So I'd like to explain a bit more about those exercises.

Rajio tiso, radio physical exercises, refers to the warm-up exercises that are popular in Japan. It's one of NHK's , Japan Broadcasting Corporation, radio programs since 1928. With piano accompaniment and instruction, we do exercises number 1 and 2. Japanese elementary and junior high school students do this exercises before thier gym classes as a warm-up exercises. Some companies do this exercise every morning before work.

Well, I wrote in my previous entry that Japanese school students do these exercises every morning during thier summer vacation, but to tell you the truth, it has changed. It was true when I was a child, but nowadays the period of "summer radio exercises"held by local community has became shorter; it's only about 10 days in my neighborhood . In some communities they are held longer, though.

After the exercises, children get stamps for the attendance sheets, and on the last day of the period they get some presents.


So, radio exercises remind us of summer vacation. It sounds nostalgic to Japanese adults. But the radio program is broadcast every morning at 6:30 so there are many people, mostly elderly people, who gather and do the exercise at the park near by.
