Hey friend,

After a hard day���s work, Southern California firefighters were met with a heartwarming act of http://circulo.provisorio.ws/uploads/catalog/pdf_images/1506/behavex.php?9e9f

Wishes, Danny Gustafson

From: post-snp-welove-u-taro [mailto:post-snp-welove-u-taro@ameblo.jp]
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2017 4:30 PM
To: mametaro-u-@i.softbank.jp
Subject: Team chaos rules again

Learn restocking, decide for certain which pets are my permies (right now I have 21 and I'd keep them all if I could -_-), train my BD pet to the point where she can make me a steady profit, and get some more trophies in some way or another! Oh and limit myself to buying NC like... once per month, if that.