

Most people who drive regularly in Tokyo instinctively understand some rules about how to make traffic move smoothly in Tokyo. These rules are not written down anywhere, but almost everyone obeys them. On weekends cars from out or town or people who drive only on Sunday hit the roads, causing some confusion, but at least there are very few trucks on the road on weekends, so somehow traffic keeps moving.

ルールは以下の通りです。 These are the rules.

1. 道の選択を間違えるな。

Always choose the right road or route.


You cannot rely only on a car navigation system. You need to have long experience and have a feeling for traffic flows and how to interpret the traffic jam signs. This is especially important on the expressways since the escape routes are very limited.

2. 車線変更をするときは、事前に十分計算した上で、減速せずにやれ。

When changing lanes, plan ahead and do not reduce your speed when changing lanes.


If you reduce speed, the overall flow will be affected, creating traffic jams.

3. 車間距離を空け過ぎるな。つまり、流れに合わせて走れ。

Do not leave too much space between you and the vehicle in front of you. In other words, go with the flow of traffic.


If you leave too much space in front of your car, other cars will get irritated and cut in or try to go around you, so it is actually very unsafe.



At 4 p.m. this afternoon, the Chuo Kanjo-sen (Middle Ring Route) of the Metropolitan Expressway was completed and opened to traffic. This section is an extension of what is called the Yamate Tunnel, which will now be a total of 18 kilometers in length. The main on ramp is very near my home, so I have been looking forward to this day for well over a fifteen years, and of course I went to witness the opening in person.




This project took fifty years to complete, so of course the major television stations were all there. Cars were not allowed to line up and wait, so just 2 or 3 minutes before 4 o’clock suddenly the cars who wanted to be first to use the new route appeared from nowhere. Obviously, these were people used to driving in Tokyo.


And just five minutes after the opening, the first traffic jam information was displayed on the electronic signs. As expected, it was the Ohashi Junction.



Back to Rule No. 1 above, I have been driving in Tokyo for a long time and have confidence in my ability to choose the right route. Not to sound like I am bragging, but I can usually choose the fastest route depending on the time of day or day of the week and the traffic jam signs.


However, with the opening of this last section of the Yamate Tunnel and the opening tomorrow of an important section of the Ken’o Expressway, I expect a major readjustment in the total flow of traffic.


There is no doubt that while traffic jams will be eliminated at certain spots, there are other places where new traffic jams will occur. That being the case, it is going to be some time before I will feel confident in calculating the time that it will take to go through the eighteen kilometer Yamate Tunnel.


I actually relish this as a fun new challenge for living in Tokyo! I just hope that it will not result in too much wasted time.