
Real Reason Why Postwar Japanese Media Suddenly Switched Their Allegiance to a New Master, GHQ




【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 81


 The Japanese media did not enjoy freedom of the press until the end of the war. Each newspaper ran articles aimed at increasing the population’s fighting spirit in cooperation with the Cabinet Intelligence Bureau which controlled speech. Censorship of books, magazines, radio and motion pictures was carried out on a daily basis.


 In the event of criticism of the government or the military, orders were issued to prohibit publication or recall published materials, and there was always the fear of arrest or imprisonment. In order to survive, the press swallowed its pride and was reduced to a “lapdog” or “guard dog” with the government and the military as its master.


 At that time, the Asahi Newspaper was one of the two leading newspapers in the Tokyo capital region, and had close ties to the government. Even after it became clearly apparent that Japan would lose the war, Asahi Newspaper continued to fan public sentiment with talk of such things as “100 million honorable deaths.”


 With the end of the war, the Japanese media reconsidered its actions during the war. It is widely believed that with new press freedoms, the media changed its emphasis to criticism of authority and official monitoring. However, the facts which I have researched reveal something entirely different.


 Unlike Germany, the political system in Japan was not completely dismantled, and surrender was not unconditional. Even after the government accepted the Potsdam Declaration on August 15, 1945, it continued work as in the past. Asahi Newspaper kept its relationship with the Cabinet Information Bureau.


 On September 15th and 17th, Asahi published the comments of Ichiro Hatoyama (who later became prime minister) that dropping the atomic bomb was “a violation of international law and a war crime” and an article criticizing crimes committed by U.S. occupation troops. This incurred the wrath of GHQ (General Headquarters of the Allied Powers) and on September 18th Asahi was slapped with an order to suspend publication.


 Thereafter, the lapdog Japanese media, with Asahi at the forefront, suddenly did a full about face and switched their allegiance to a new “master,” GHQ.


 The other day U.S. Vice President Biden, in an effort to ridicule Republican candidate Donald Trump, said “He (Trump) doesn’t know that we (the U.S.) wrote the Japanese constitution so that they (Japan) would not be able to have nuclear weapons.”


 I understand that as a result of the reporting of this comment in Japan, many Japanese heard for the first time the fact that the Japanese constitution was written by the U.S., not Japan. It is as if the GHQ press restrictions have remained in place to this very day.


 Some people refer to the Japanese constitution as the “Peace Constitution,” but Article 9 was written to ensure the peace of the U.S., not Japan.


 Now, 71 years after the end of the war, the countries whose peace is ensured by the Japanese constitution are the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and North and South Korea.


 I am presently researching the sequence of events which has led the Japanese media, which loudly voices fierce opposition to a constitutional amendment, to switch its allegiance for a second time to another new master.







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