English exercises.

I just call to say I love you.
restless spirts departs
manage to survive
Dance to the music
don't painful
be difficult for one to deal with.
I'm weak 《in》.
Ads. advertisings
fall into the clutches of probation
Temporary Admission
cannibalization. tribalization
correction. collection
show the flag
Federal Way
You said that conveyor belt sushi is real.
But that is fake.
I will go out with you to real sushi restaurant.
Big boss makes real sushi.
slain here
eligible. ineligible. viable. inviable
European Commission
impose sanction. expose
Mass influxes
allegation credo
retaliation destabilize bloc
sally out against a besieging army
We sallied forth on our excursion. incursion
contentious takeover. crackdown
sieging Christianity
Stay just the way you are
You're amazing just as you are.
acute siege warfare
psych oneself up for a match