【拡散・ご恩返し】ブータン人から数々のお礼のメッセージが届いています。 (ゾン 火災 寄付 募金 | 保守宣言 デモまとめ 逆襲の日本行くぞ!!

保守宣言 デモまとめ 逆襲の日本行くぞ!!


保守 デモ 街宣 拉致 人権侵害救済法案 外国人参政権 二重国籍 夫婦別姓 民主党 子供手当て 朝鮮学校無償化 日教組 TPP スワップ 北方領土 竹島 対馬 尖閣 NHK フジテレビ 花王 朝日新聞 マスコミ



Twitterリンク @taktaktictac


諸橋 邦彦さんの投稿
Japan UN Frienship Association started fund-raising activity for Wangduephodrang. If you have an interesting (especially for Japanese) , please check the below link.

・Thank you very much. We Bhutanese are very proud of our Japanese friends.

・we are proud to have a frn like u all...loads of thanks frm all bhutanese

・Thank U very much Japanese friends...

・Friend in need is friend indeed. Thanks a lot and appreciation to all the Japanese friends. Hats off for you all.

・appreciate JAPAN-BHUTAN Relationship....Thank You Japan for the continuous support.

・thank you as a citizen of bhutan ... for ur support

・we all bhutanese people would like to thank all japanese people.......kardenche la........

・Kunihiko san ...Arigato Gozaimasu from the people of Bhutan for your kind initiative and support.

・Thanks Mr.Kunihiko...for ur support.

・Arigato... very touching and we are really grateful to our helpers and donors..love the spirit..coming together in times of need.

・Arigatogozamusu…this is so touching....

・Thanks you Japanese friends......

・Arigato Kunihiko San!...4 ur sweet support n concern....

・Thank You JAPAN

・Thank u Japan...really appreciate it. We r very proud to have a friend line u :)

・Thank You Japan!

・Dai jobu.....honto ni..Arigato...

・Khuniniko Sama, Tashi Delek to you and all members. Our sincere thanks and appreciation!

・Big thanks to Japanese contributor ...

・Kunihiko, we would like to thank the people of Japan who are supporting Bhutanese through organization of fund raising activity for the reconstruction of Wangdiphodrang Dzong which was razed by fire. Such solidarity shall immensely strengthen our relationship between the two countries and its people. Once again thank you for the support

・高橋 孝郎さんの投稿
Dear my Bhutanese friends, I heard from the association that already more than 100 Japanese has donated and the number is increasing every day. I also wrote about the Dzong and called for donations in my blog: http://thanks2happiness.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-51.html

・ありがとうございます Takao Takahashi san and Kunihiko Morohashi san for the initiative and contribution.


・Arigato Japan !!!

・Thanks for ur initiatives and supports....Long Live Japan....

・Hontoni ..arigatou gozaimasu.Nihon and nipponjin...thank you for caring for us.

・Thank you Takaosan for your kind initiative ,,,have a great day ahead. Ta

・ Thank u all (Japanese frens) for the initiatives and donations......

・Ohayo gozaimasu, Ogenki Desu ka? Ganbarimasu! Arigato gozaimasu sama Kunihiko Morohashi!!!

・a huge thanks... for that kinda activity........

・good initiative...

・Arigatoo gozaimasu Japan :)

・Domo Aregatoo Gozaimasu

・Its so wonderful that we have our Japanese friends rendering their helping hand..... thank you JAPAN

・Long Live Japan-Bhutan Friendship.....


・Lot of thanks and good wishes for Japan UN Friendship Association.

・thanks and long live Japan UN Friendship for ever