Rael Maitreya


La Relève et La Peste


Il est crucial que les municipalités envisagent sérieusement l'idée d'intégrer des arbres fruitiers dans nos villes 🙂

Cette photo a été prise à Séville. Un seul...


It is crucial that municipalities seriously consider the idea of integrating fruit trees into our cities 🙂

This photo was taken in Seville. A single orange tree can produce up to 10 buckets of oranges, even in less than ideal conditions: compacted soil, surrounded by bitumen up to the trunk.

So why is this practice not more widespread in France?

We often hear the argument that fallen fruit litters the streets. But with the current economic crisis and growing concerns for healthy eating, the opportunity to harvest kilos of fruit for free is attracting more and more people.

In addition, a real community can form around these trees. Neighbors can agree together on the quantity to be harvested per household, or one person can take care of the harvest and then share the fruits of their labor with everyone 🤝

As for the question of the safety of fruits in an urban environment, the answer is yes, they are perfectly edible. Unless, of course, you start eating the peels, but in that case, it's not urban pollutants that are the problem.

In short, planting fruit trees in the city has many advantages: circularity, promotion of locality, preservation of biodiversity, economy, and health benefits.

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