Rael Maitreya





Many Raelians  are wondering if they should vaccinate their children. 

Who are we to presume that our natural immune system created by Elohim needs to be improved ? 

Yes I am antivax. I have said it many times. And when people say that millions of people could have been saved by vaccination in the middle age pandemies, I always explain that the fact that we are alive proves that without vaccines, antibiotics or modern medicine our ancestors survived .

If not we would not be alive today. 
Some pandemies in Europe killed up to 50 % of the population in some countries.Yes, that's a fact but it also proves that 50 % of the population survived without it : our ancestors ! 





はい、私は反ワクチンです。 私は何度も言ってきました。 


ヨーロッパのいくつかのパンデミックでは、一部の国では人口の最大 50% が死亡しました。はい、それは事実ですが、人口の 50% がワクチンなしでも生き残ったことも証明しています。つまり、私たちの祖先です。

But I am also pro freedom, so it's up to the parents to decide if they should vaccinate their children or not If somebody doesn't vaccinate their child and he dies it's their responsibility If they do vaccinate the child and he dies  from  side effects of the product it's also their responsibility.

Difficult choice, but that is what life is: constant difficult choices.
I don't want to take the responsibility of giving advice. 
What I can say is that facing this  difficult choice I would personally not vaccinate my child. 
If he dies because of my choice it's like killing him. 

If I trust his natural immune system created by Elohim, then it's not my responsibility.

しかし、私は自由の擁護者でもあるので子供にワクチンを接種すべきか否かを決めるのは親の責任です。 誰かが子供にワクチンを接種せずに死亡した場合、それは親の責任です。 もし子供にワクチンを接種することにして、その子供がワクチンの副作用で死亡した場合も、親の責任です。 

