vol.28キドリハ通信~欲しがりません立つまでは第 3 章オーストラリア篇~















vol.28 KIDO's Rehabilitation Report

Hello everyone! 
I have a big news today.
I had a opportunity of riding the wheel chair named "COGY" on last week.

At first, let me show you this following movie.

I was walking around Yoyogi Park with the COGY about one hour.

As can be seen the movie, I supported my right leg by right arm. Because my right leg muscle is weaker than my left one, I need to support by my arm.
And I can control the COGY by the handle on  it.
If I wanna go to left, I should move  the handle to left.

You might have a question. 
"You could ride the bicycle without help by arm when I was in Australia. Why you couldn't ride the COGY without your arm?"

On the bicycle, moving legs is easier than on the COGY, because I can stay my posture  stretching like standing on the bicycle.
But on the COGY, I have to collapse my body to sit down the wheel chair, that's why I can't make legs move big.

I think it is the same as riding small tricycle . Riding tricycle is too difficult for adults to ride, because it is too small to ride.
I couldn't ride the COGY perfectly, but I was motivated more.

I talked about that I wanna do training to ride the COGY for rehabilitation...
After talking, the creators of the COGY gave it to me as a gift for training .
It's unbelievable!! It's Amazing!!

I'm gonna take my COGY to Australia and ride the COGY at beachside in Gold Coasts everyday.

appreciate their giving the COGY and great opportunity to move legs.
I want to express my gratitude on this blog to "TESS Inc." that makes COGY.

And then I'll report about training of the COGY!! You should check my blog out!!

●COGY's official website