vol.30 キドリハ通信~欲しがりません立つまでは第 3 章オーストラリア篇~ 




実は昨日、足こぎ車椅子 COGY を制作されている株式会社 TESS の代表・鈴木様に COGYの乗り方やトレーニング方法、メンテナンス法について直接教えていただきました。 


こちらが昨日の練習の様子です。右脚は右手でサポートしながら、左足は自分の力で漕いでいます。「さらにコツを掴んで、自分の足だけで漕げるようになること」それが COGY における僕の目標です。 

実際、 1 日少しずつでも足を動かし続けることで脚への刺激にもなり、さらには全身の代謝や血液循環という面でも良い効果があると思います。 




今年の 1 月末に見られた左脚が動き始めた時も内転筋の収縮から来たんです。 

先月から毎日 1000 回、この成果を目指して両脚の大腿筋まわりを動かし続けてきました。 1日もサボらず続けてきて良かったです。 

vol.30 Kido Rehabilitation Blog
16 th August,2016
Hello everyone!
I'm excited in Rio Olympic Game now.
I think that I need to do training more asan athlete of rehabilitation when I see the news of Japanese athletes getting medals.
I have a big news today by the way, butI’ll tell you about the yesterday rehab at first.
Yesterday I met Mr. Suzuki who is thepresident of the company producing “COGY”. And he taught me the good way to drive the COGY and how to do maintenance.

He was surprised at improving my posturewhile driving it, that reaction make me be more motivated than before.
Let me show you this following movie…Checkit out please.
You can see that I was pedaling with the support of my right hand. 
I want to aim to be able to drive by myself without any support of my hands.
Actually, moving my legs by using COGYevery day is so good for my legs. And I hope that this moving give my body good blood circulation.
I thought about the effect of COGY likethat…
I got right leg moving as in this followingmovie!!

My right adductor is clearly moving!!
It’s Amazing!! Unbelievable!!
This is today’s big news!!
In fact, this situation is the same one in thecase of left leg. 
This movie was taken in the last January.
I have moved my legs 1000 times a day everyday since last month by myself, because I want to get the achievement like this!!
I’m proud of myself!! Fantastic!!
I believe that this step has led to my own walkingwithout any supports!!