Why do we not continue to study throughout life?

I believe people should continue learning all their lives.

Here are some reasons.

First, learning something new will make us healthy mentally. Curiosity will always be a source of power.  When people retire,  they lose their spirit.

There are a large number of people who kill themselves because of lethargy in Japan. Without dreams or aims, It's difficult to keep ones energy. If people lose their willpower, it's easy for them to get sick. It becomes a vicious cycle.

This is especially why a person's mental condition is the most important for life. As the well-known proverb says "Sickness and health start with the mind."  This is a reliable idea.  Continuing education will solve that Lethargy syndrome.  

Furthermore, learning new things is great fun.
Enjoyment also makes people smile.
In short,  life-long education is a way to happiness.

Secondly,  people can be convenienced by learning about new technology. I think people, especially older people should better to learn today's rage.  Technology is developing day by day.  
Although it benefits our life,  sometimes old people don't know how to use a computer or mobile and so on. They are afraid of using cutting edge of electronic equipment like my parents.

In conclusion, continuing education definitely helps make old age more vivid.

People should take care of their mind for their health.