(originally posted on 2017-06-09| 19:42:03)

June 9
Today a year ago, the news about my breast cancer unexpectedly got out to the public.
Confused, worried, disappointed..
I got a mixture of various feelings. 
My husband immediately held a press conference,
then the whole family gradually calmed down.
I still remember that time.
But, life is always unpredictable.
We get controlled by something,
some huge invisible something, unexpectedly.
Even though you face something that is against what you wished,
it also could be an opportunity to see something
that you have never seen before. 
In my case, I lost my control and got stuck in a dark box.
But I grasped the helm of myself, my life once again. 
I started to write a blog.
This blog helps me shape who I am now.
This Helm incident (Lol)  is a big turning point in my life.
I got connected with you all and I am always encouraged and inspired.
Thank you very much.
I am also praying for you,
sharing the same feelings with you,
cheerleading for you,
while reading your comments.

Hope it has reached you. 照れ
Sometimes I cannot post anything,
but I am trying to keep my day and my feelings here.
Hopefully, you continue to enjoy it.
And I also would like to express my gratitude to Ameblo for providing me with this platform.