

Rael Maitreya:
ELOHIMLEAK : some in Israel government in order to counter the world sympathy for Gaza and the Palestinian suffering are thinking about creating a false flag attack in Tel Aviv or Jerusalem where a powerful bomb will kill thousands of Israeli citizen then blame it on a Palestinian terrorist who will be a psychiatric patient manipulated by the most recent mind control techniques, making him believe that he is receiving direct orders from his god, then
the Israeli s...ecret services providing him huge amount of explosives disguised as Hamas members and give him access to
the site of the " terrorist attack" probably a sport stadium or another event gathering thousands of people. These Israeli
government top officials are willing to sacrifice thousands of their own citizen in order to stop the world from siding with Palestinians
over Gaza, and then create a new devastating genocidal attack
against Palestinians, the following up consisting of the forced evacuation of all Palestinians survivors " for their own protection" to a welcoming allied Arabic country and the annexation of all
Palestinian territories .