Hello again.

I am sorry for writing in English again...my cell phone is still no use..(TωT)

well, this time I got to borrow this laptop which I could instroll pics from my camera.

which means........

I can finally show you some of my pics now!

I hope you can enjoy this time even if you don't get my English..


First, just look!



Rainboooow!! isn't it amazing? \(゜□゜)/


It was in Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

There, as I told you, I JUMPED...yes I did.

This is the bridge crossing border betweem Zanbia and Zimbabwe.


Can you see the little building right in the middle of the bridge?

I did bungy jumping from that point.

and, it is this high...


111m high which is one of the highest bungy in the world..!

This is the crew and our group who jumped.


Well, thanks for the 100% safe security again;)


Next what shall I show you..

yeah, of course, ANIMALS. ..the wild ones.(`・ω・´)ゞ

As you know,I've taken tons of pics and these are just a few of them.

I might have taken better ones but just for now, I wanna show you some to let you know how it's like.






Did you like'em? (・ω・)/


And sure you can't miss the PEOPLE in Africa.

This is Masai tribe people in Tanzania.

We visited their village and experienced their culture and talked with them.

They keep their traditional lifestyle and it was very nice to talk to them directly.


This is a pictuer of me with school kids in Malawi.

Some of them are orphans and most of them live in poverity.

The equipments of the school is very poor and kids were asking us for pen.

I felt sorry for them but still, their smile was beautiful.


And this is some of our group in Etisha National Park in Namibia.


from left;

Bradley from South Africa

Remi from Japan

Randy from U.S.A.

Sherie from Canada

We have been traveling through Africa by the same truck and now very good friends.

Traveling by the truck, some of us leave at some point and some join us at some point.

Usually we stay in the same campsite, have safari together, and cook meals.

Now we are seventeen of us from all over the world.

I am the only Japanses so far,.but still, it has been so much fun traveling with them.

well, I hope you enjoyed my pics,

and I hope I can show you more next time.

Good night and have a nice weekend!(・∀・)

