


Acne Scars is the most popular problem in teenage and a lot of adults nowadays. Acne or pimples are considered the consequence of hormonal changes and improper diet in teenage. In youth acne results resulting from improper diet, stress and bad hygiene. To eliminate acne we must get into its fundamental cause. Popping pimples are caused mainly due to over secretion of oil beginning with the skin.

Many a times acne cure can be done by natural home remedies only. You should make small changes in your lifestyle and by using home remedies you can get rid of acne scars naturally at home.

Below are a few suggestions for curing acne and acne scars naturally at home.

1. Wash the risk area with water at least twice a day. Don’t use soap or cleanser every time but wash with plain water. In case you wash all the time with cleanser extra oil is secreted from the oil glands due shortage of moisture.

2. Drink at least 8-10 times of glass of water per day. It certainly will flush out the impurities.
3. Consume a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. Stop taking junk food, fried and oily foods. It will help greatly to get rid of acne naturally in your own home.

3. Vitamin B complex also helps in curing acne. Take a capsule of vitamin B complex daily for few days and see the result.

4. Externally there are many home remedies for treating acne and scarred tissues on face. A method is to apply lemon juice on pimples a couple of times on a daily basis. It definitely will decrease the size and intensity of acne along with lightens the acne scar on face too.

5. Orange peel is also a wonderful natural acne treatment for treating acne and acne scars. Dry orange peel in shadow and grind them to be able to make powder. Produce a paste of orange peel powder with water and put high upon the acne . This home remedy is incredibly effective for curing acne naturally at home.