新年の挨拶的な話。 | OWNDAYSの社長のブログ




















まずは正月初売り商戦。からのAM解散総選挙スタート。2月はシンガポール、台湾が旧正月商戦。その後3月は各国でSUMMITツアーをやって4月には入社式、東京でSUMMIT Final からのGW・・。気を緩めると決まっているルーチンをこなすだけで慌しく5月まであっという間に過ぎ去ってしまいそうです。



Happy new year for everyone!!

2017 has been started. 

Everything is so fresh and we are going to make a new start from here, What will this year be? Will we be growing even more? Or are any crisis that is waiting for use? I am just so exciting with all the anxiety and hopes towards future. 

Of course for the first day of the new year, I would like to let everyone know what I am thinking for the start of 2017. 

 I think it was the year that I am focusing to apply my resources mainly on expanding overseas last year. At the end, we have expanding OWNDAYS in another 4 new countries, now we have OWNDAYS in 10 different countryes and the shops numbers in overseas has reached 72 shops. It has been 3 and half years after we opened our first overseas shop in Singapore, it was even faster than what I has been expected. We have reached 52 shops in 2016 and total shop numbers to 181 shops. I think we will be able to reach 200 shops this year and maybe try harder to 230 shops. At the same time, we would like to make our brand image with no limitation. 

In the beginning of 2016, I have talked to all my staff that [We have to know the importance of our overseas benefits and not try to be the stable group growing companies but to understand that we are the venture company that always creating the destructive innovation.] I was thinking that this will make our company to improve even more at that time. 

[Other than thinking of being the same without any changes after 10 years, we should think about the growth that we will achieve at the end of the year.] 

Of course when I am saying this, there are so many partner companies will feel anxiety about this. However, we are in the technician society and changing environment these days, instead of thinking what we can achieve in 10 years later, it will be more realistic to think what we should do now. 

We don’t really have very health plan on the banking and financing investment so we don’t have the pressure on starting with the new business and being negative on the new challenges. I thins that people who is saying to be [c] is just because they don’t have the courage to the risk-taking in better way. However, if we try to make any changes but just try to maintain the current situation will just bring us to higher risk to the bankruptcy. 

Do we really live in now? And We can only to be what we are after 10 year in continuing asking ourselves this everyday and to work little by little in 10 years. 

Maybe for everyone around me will just think that I am someone who only see what is it now but even we have the plan in middle and long terms, the conditions we have will always be changing all the time. In the era now, we will never know and expect what will happen, the only thing we can do now is just try our best in short term and always win in short term to continue this to achieve better in the future. 

There is one thing I would like to achieve in 2017. 

Which will be 

[Create new business based on the benefit of OWNDAYS]
OWNDAYS now is going better and better so we should take the chance to create new business. 

One of it is the recruitment media [Divergent]  
We will release one more on the web this February (Details are still secrete) Other than that, we are supporting the new Japanese brand to overseas like Dr. Strength and Ramen shop, which has achieve Michelin 1 star. 

For the supporting of Japanese brand we would like to import more good quality Japanese brand to overseas like OWNDAYS and we will create some form of this in 2017. 

The best time to create sells in January following the start of AM election and February will be the sales seasons in Taiwan and Singapore then Summit tour in different countries to the Tokyo Summit in April with golden week… We don’t have so much time; time is just passing so fast. 

To using the time in the best way everyday and facing the changing everyday will create the enormous growth. 

Let’s work all together this year. Thank you!