熊本と九州の皆様へ、 | すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

すみれオフィシャルブログ「Sumire:A day in the life」Powered by Ameba

熊本の皆様、九州の皆様、日本の皆様へ、今飛行機の中からまた携帯のノートにこれを書いていますが、今回の地震の続き、街中の揺れ、お家から追い出された方々、本当に恐れ多い思いをなさっと思います。その経験、気持ちは私直接分かりませんが、本当に心から皆さんへの思いを抱えています。家族や友人を失った皆様、苦しさは今はどうしようもないほど痛いと思いますが、まだ先の光はあります。大切な人々を失う事はこの世ではみんな経験のある事だと思いますが、それでも気持ちは楽にならないかもしれないけれど、世界中のみんなが同じお星様や月や空を毎日見ている事を思って、ちょっとでも力を出せたら凄く勇気があると思います。でも世界と言うとちょっと大きいから、もしかしたら今は日本のみんなだけに集中して、日本のみんなで頑張って前へ進もう。いつもこんなへんてこりんな日本語でごめんなさいね、(このインスタはマネージャーさんたちも一切関わっていないので結構普通に自由に使っちゃってて、何かNGだったらすぐ消すようになるけど、後ブログとFacebookはさすがにSNSが多すぎて疲れちゃうから、たまあに助けてもらっちゃってるけど) でも一応私は生まれと7歳までの育ちは日本で、純日本人の血で、日本が本当に (これはお世辞なしで) 大好きなので、やっぱり気持ちは伝えようと思っちゃったので、長くて申し訳ありませんが、皆さん十分お気をつけて、愛している人をより大事にしてあげて、ちょっと言い方が古臭いかもしれないけど、輝いてる未来を見つめて、「上を向いて、歩こう。」

This long message above is for the people of Kumamoto, Kyushu, and everyone in Japan, from Japan, having to do with Japan. As I type this on my phone whilst on my flight back to Tokyo, I am thinking of all of you who have been affected by the recent earthquakes and havoc amongst the cities in Kumamoto Prefecture, and all around the area. I personally have not gone through such a horrific experience, but I just wanted to take the time to say that I am feeling with you, hurting with you, and grieving with you, from the bottom of my heart. It kills me to know that some of you have even lost family members, loved ones, and friends, but please know that there is still beauty and light at the end of the tunnel. I don't know if this is what you want to hear right now, but I think that we've all known the pain and suffering of losing someone we love, and even though that may not at all make you feel any better at this exact moment, maybe just focusing on the simple fact that everyone on this earth is looking up to the same stars, the same moon, the same sky, that maybe we can feel a small inkling of hope, with a side of courage. But maybe going global right now is a little too big of a radius, so we can just think of Japan and how we as a country can move forward together. My Japanese is definitely not up to par, (and neither is my English I think most of the time) and I'm sure a lot of you will think what in the world is she talking about, but I was born and raised (partly) in Tokyo, and I'm a hundred percent Japanese by blood, and I really do love Japan and all things Japanese, so I just thought that I should share this, regardless if anyone ever even bothers to read it. So I apologize for the massively long (especially for the English portion) passage I've left here on Instagram, but please everyone, no matter where you are, take extra care of yourselves and loved ones, be so grateful for those who are there for you, and don't forget that there's such a bright and beautiful future for each of us, whether that be becoming superman, or a hair stylist, to always "look up and walk straight ahead" as we say in Japan (it's a famous song called the Sukiyaki Song) and as corny as it may sound, LOVE.