5月18日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



ETS(TOEIC Cal./English upgraded/TOEIC Video) を5分やりました。速読力/文法理解/読解力/語彙・熟語力/聴解力を強化。トータル542.4時間! #gbenrei http://t.co/Mg2XrsYU3A #LangFolio
5/18 1:56

Yesterday I couldn't study English due to hard work. This week it was very tough for me, however I was satisfied with my life. #twinglish
5/18 2:17

Tomorrow I have some plans. First my car will be returned from car shop to fix the oil leakage. Second we will go to the model house!
5/18 2:17

Yesterday I had to report our project in English. It has been about 1year since I started Rosetta Stone. My skill is up, I think. #twinglish
5/18 2:17

満足な一日♪ちゅっす!やっと、金曜日も終わり週末。ホントっ、heavyな週だったな…無事に過ごせて感謝、体も持たせられたので感謝、支えてくれた家族に感謝、と。来週も頑張ります!さて、本日はメキシコ拠… http://t.co/bBMtj5qrua
5/18 2:37

元気にしてるよ~! http://t.co/G4eiqedlXr #petpic
5/18 11:17

シャッ!と動いてます(笑) http://t.co/7b9zWaGhSd #petpic
5/18 11:17

I went to the model house. We could learn about the characteristic in each house marker. Next week I will go to the actual house. #twinglish
5/18 22:27

iKnow! を15分やりました。発音/聴解力/語彙・熟語力/アクセント・イントネーション/文法理解/構文解析を強化。トータル542.8時間! #gbenrei http://t.co/Mg2XrsYU3A #LangFolio
5/18 22:48

I have just taken a shower! Today it was good day for us, however I was tired!! My wife and my son were tired, too! #twinglish
5/18 23:18

ロゼッタストーン http://t.co/Ff9itnddHP を25分やりました。アクセント・イントネーション/語彙・熟語力/聴解力/発音/会話力を強化。トータル543.3時間! #gbenrei http://t.co/Mg2XrsYU3A #LangFolio
5/18 23:49