6月29日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



I enjoyed dinner time with my colleagues and my family. This week we were very busy. It was important to spend good time! #twinglish
6/29 0:53
@karismap Great!! The name is the first present from parents. We are also thinking my son's name! Let's enjoy our life with each other!
6/29 1:15
I have just installed new twitter APP. This tweet is my first with using new APP. I will try it! #twinglish
6/29 1:55
I cannot sleep because I feel the sharp pain for my stomach. I am coming and going my rest room... I cannot have eaten beef. #twinglish
6/29 3:23
@yoshimiyossi I will go to the shopping with my family and go to the model house. I have just house-haunted! How about you?
6/29 3:44
I installed SOICHA as twitter app. However unfortunately I don't know how to use it. I will try some apps to confirm! #twinglish
6/29 3:44
@yoshimiyossi Thank you for your reply & follow me! What is the difference type of Japan and Korean sauna?? I've never been to Korean!
6/29 12:16
We are shopping!! I bought many toys for my son! Today's presents are mini cars!! #twinglish
6/29 16:26