7月12日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



@Jinkoenig Hi~^^ I have ived in Kanagawa for 6years. But I have never swum in the sea. Can you enjoy it??
7/12 0:38
@yoshimiyossi I agree! It is expensive to drive in the circuit. Do you like cars??
7/12 0:58
@angelogique No no no... You should say such a thing. There are good things and bad things in our life. In fact I have two big disease.
7/12 0:58
@angelogique I have been operated some times. However I enjoy my life!! I believe you feel happy for your life! Again I hope your happy!!
7/12 0:58
ヒロ前田, 清涼院 流水の『不思議の国のグプタ』を読み終えました。私の評価は星4つです。 http://t.co/8Nf62wqE2P
7/12 1:41
I take the bus to go to my home. In this week it was so tough for me that I had a lot of work to do. #twinglish
7/12 23:13