11月25日に投稿したなう | 僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪

僕シル新章 僕と家族とタイで生きる道♪



I have to sleep soon because I will go to Nagoya tomorrow on business trip. I look forward to it but too early for me... #twinglish
11/25 0:47

11/25 1:07

Let's go to Nagoya! It is dark outside! Today it isn't cold today. I feel so sleepy.... #twinglish
11/25 6:06

@BenRazx Thank you very much! I have left for the destination. Outside is very dark!
11/25 6:27

@karismap Unfortunately I couldn't go to Tokyo motor show. On this week I want go it as a work!
11/25 6:27

11/25 21:04

名古屋出張♪名古屋への初めての出張(^○^)同僚が一人倒れたので業務を変わりに担当、今日は工程確認。TOYOTAお膝元!田舎なんだな…知らなかった!仕… at 梅坪駅 (Umetsubo Sta.) http://t.co/3kfwdecSEM
11/25 21:24

「名古屋出張♪」名古屋出張♪名古屋への初めての出張(^○^)同僚が一人倒れたので業務を変わりに担当、今日は工程確認。TOYOTAお膝元!田舎なんだ… at 梅坪駅 (Umetsubo Sta.) http://t.co/3kfwdecSEM
11/25 21:24

11/25 21:24

11/25 21:24

I left for Kanagawa from Nagoya. This was my first trip to Nagoya. This city has beautiful buildings! #twinglish http://t.co/GMgcdSZ5SP
11/25 21:45

As our dinner we ate chicken from Nagoya. This type of chicken is very famous in Japan. It was so good! #twinglish http://t.co/JbjnGw22hk
11/25 21:45