Thank you very much.


And I just lead you really was dying to said say as this to show share with as our audience. you know


When Wwe talk about great composers, uh and they their reaction that they give us with the their


music we can talk about Beethoven reaction you know the steering stirring feelings we



have in our so soul then Mendelssohn reaction where we leave the if all hall happier. uh in In the case


of Borodin thoush[?], it is different. uh


Borodin reaction is a name[named?] reaction in organic chemistry were by silver salts of


carboxylic acids react with a halogen to produce an organic halide. (by wikipedia)

※organic halide:有機ハロゲン ※carboxylic :カルボン酸


So uh as you know I I I kind fiol feel with a little bid bit bad Borodin because he is often


referred to as an amature amateur composer.


He was composing music on the side.


However uh I believed that if he wasn’t his this good in chemistry.,


He would definitely be not [as??]  regarded an amature amateur composer because his music is the


highest quality and s-s-supper sitting superseding some of the professional composers out


there. So enjoy the  first movement one of the most growery glorious string quartets ever reading written.




Okay.Thank you.Thank you.


Since we have only limited time and it’s recopechoration the recapitulation I so thought it is fedeng fitting 


to stop you right there.




So we can stand spend more time working on this.


Uh very beautiful playing uh I enjoyed very much how were aware you are off of interesting everything

※直接見聞きしたり、人づてに聞いたりして。◆【用法】aware of ; aware that


it’s that's going on [enough somebody]←?? and you spend on this peace piece basically just today.


That’s correct. That’s pretty amazing. So.[clapping]



You know. I want to you uh start uh by just listening to the opening once again. Start from the beginning.



Great! Great. You know this actually happened right now a little less in them a uh when you


started first time.


Because you just finished playing but even now your opening is tiny bit slower.,


Then than the speed you late reached in the captiration recapitulation that's fine why I wanted you to do 


play a little bit srow throush[?] captilation the recapitulation.



Think of the tempo the that should go you're gonna (going to) get in   [singing] and uh you know jojo 

※going to のなまった形gonna


Joshua(名前) as uh as in cellist I toldly identify was with the beauty of this feem theme.

※theme:tema(テーマ)主題  ※identify:アイデンティティーを持つ、同じ心境になる、意気投合する


But to me it folk avoked wa wa wa what do you what do you think about it.? What do are your



feeling this about steem this theme.? What’s the character.?

("children too afraid to answer" by Lisa)



Home Calm, sweet, and kind of relaxed right? Sometimes I feel like we try to get it and (if


you like to) cool call it the "cello of moment" and as probably proper cellists we get ready really intense.

※proper:適した、正確な、正式の、妥当な ※intense:激しい


I’m should also get and in our mine mind the a little bit worry worried about it. You don’t sound worry 


worried to me but its sounds to me the that your you're already right there attacking. you You're would with 


be the cello and [in the open ???/mumble?]. Could you actually try to do oposit the opposite. Could you kind of sit back


on your chair? Will you in Lean back and imagine that your in basically in the mind of

※lean back:後ろにもたれる、背をそらせる


Borodin you’re thinking of the most beautiful sunny and (uh?) landscape and the it's just the most


beautiful rever likes river-like melody  [singing]




And then, [singing]  so in the that it hast has two elements: one, this kind of swing-like


[singing]  and then(=two) a very beautiful river-like continuation. (Could you try) I'm wanna gonna  


put you on the spot to so you never worry about this team theme again. just Just play by yourself.


huhuhu its It will play pay off next Saturday on when your play in your quartet. okay. Okay.


[cello playing] Fantastic! That’s beautiful!



Very good. Just a little tiny element this [singing] then a little tiny comma [singing]

※element:要素    ※comma:コンマ、休止


think of this those two elements in this steem theme. Wwith everybody.


Could you begin once again?



Fantastic! And I thought I would never happened have to say this to a violinist but I you know I


actually here hear uh maybe is because the uh arrange of the instrument, on the cello we're an on 



the A string and your [pause] and your[violinist] third string, is it? ... yes! So I think you


can actually stain sustain throw through this the were slurs a little more because uh the top notes are 

※sustain:持続[維持]する、持続させる、支える ※slur:音や言葉を〕不明瞭に発音する、《音楽》〔フレーズを〕スラーで演奏する


really a little disappearing. And I think the violin should be... The cello should be light and flutey floaty

※disappear:消える ※floaty:浮く、浮力のある、フワッとした


and the [pause]  violin should be a little bit more emotional and darker so exploy exploit


the color of your string [singing] a little bit darker try! Uh There That was very good.



Fantastic! Right, and then one last in thing for the tecsture texture. What is the first 


in at thing that we here hear in this quartet.? Second violin what are you thinking came out 


about that “How to make a beautiful sound” That care is carries true through.?


What kind of note, those thoush, is it? rRound? wha wha wha wWhat is the objeck adjec tive 



(if you would) desid is desides beautiful. You sound beautiful let me on any note “round like a circle”


 I thought it was uu all pointy.


Tthe tone. Bbegin here. Iif you were thinking about a symphony orchestra and


Borodin could called you up are open and sitty said, you know I really have a no time and I want to


this to turned to the into a symphony.



What instrument would you imagine in that place.? Play is this note. [Sorry English is


done./???] “Like a french horn!” Absolutely. You reading my mind. That amazing! So if


you are imagining a french horn, you should also share that with the audience.


Can you try that just at A. I really love putting people on this spoke spot today.  Could


you play the most important note as a french horn.



your と you're は同じ発音。

hear と here は同じ発音。

*Sonata Allegro form
①II: exposition     :II


   different key & themes

   something happens and..


   theme again

   stay in main key        II ends






today I sink

yesterday I sank 

often, I have sunk