Violinist Aaron Boyd gives a Café Conversation entitled Gods Among Us: Adolf Busch and George Enescu

Corrected by Lisa 

It’s a … It’s extremely embarrassing episode have my own very modestly 
※extremely:極めて、とても ※embarrassing:恥ずかしい ※modestly:控えめに

conpetioments accomploshments. This it lested to you uh in the same contact context this these
※ accomploshments(アッンプリシュメンツ)技芸、業績 ※context:文脈、事情、背景

to two unbelievably great oudest artists uh who I hope to in a sense introduce to you. uh 

I’ve been here inherinted this talk from the great job [the?] Jorja Fleezanis is as a who  

so usually does be the great violinist or dead violinist conversation. 

She is not here this year and I'm very grateful to degan bihind David(David Finckel) WuHan for  

giveing me the opportunity to talk you about so some of my favorite things.  

And I’ve been I'm going to start with the quartet quote from the super great pianist  

Abbesh Novel Artur Schnabel uh a legend of course a, person who himself brat brought Beethoven 


and blat brought Schubert to the modern performing practice.

And in the an interview shoub Ishu Novel Artur Schnabel asked about early experiences 


and some of is his the most memorable interview  experiences.
※memorable :思い出深い

He talked about this he talked about consably concert he played in riger Riga the as a  


very young men man with the great but very young German conductor Fritz Busch. 

And this was is what a Shou Novel  Schnabel said. He said during the rehearsal 


and concert I saw and could not is this resist looking at him never whenever I had chance, 

※resist:~に抵抗[反抗・反撃]する、~と抗争する ※whenever:いつ~しようとも[であろうとも]、~する[な]ときはいつでも


a blond boy touchingly the different and from the less rest by his face, is his devotion, 

※touchingly:感動的に ※devotion:献身的愛情、信仰心、祈り


his independentce


He was, I learned later, an non union I non-unionized guessed guest, sixteen years old, 



visiting his older brothers riger in Riga and welcome in welcoming any opportunity to make music. 



is His name: Adolf Busch. 

Now this photograph is next ordinary an extraordinary moment in time. 



Because a chose it shows, of course,  

the greatest us Germen German musisional musician of the ninety nineteenth(19th) 


cently century: at Joachim in concert with Dack Nany Dohnanyi


that with remembers of the Joachim quartet and, turning the pages, is that little a 

blond boy: Adolf Busch. 

And No one knows, standing there that their they're weitting thing witnessing the passing 



of the that most secret sacred frame flame from Joachim to Bush 

※sacred:神聖な、宗教の ※flame:炎 ※sacred flame:聖火


who would, in the twenty cently be a Joachim 

was a nineteenth the greast greatest [        ] interpreter of Bach Beethoven Brahms and, 



bortabit while we're at it, Schubert. 

※While we’re at it:ついでに

That Now I could have spoken to you today about any want one of my 


favorites with an amazing gifts. 

I could talk to you about and thought redesizm the unadulterated eroticism of 

※unadulterated:混じり物のない、純粋の ※eroticism:エロチシズム、好色


Kreisler or nee the aravian "Arabian night Nights" 

quarety quality armaneted of Elman at is his best or if you whiching the "witching"

※quality:質、性質 ※witching:魔術(の)、魅力(的な)


quality of he vode [some Name] and on a good day. 

But I think that couldn’t current bentz events of have placed for before us and 



before me more most suddenly certainly your the opportunitieys, to talk 

※ certainly:確実に ※opportunity:良い機会、好機、チャンス


about one of the greatest molor moral characters at of the twenty twentieth cently century


who made one of the greatest molor moral sucraficies sacrifices and that any musician made in our 

time and rockely luckily in my research I found a very beautifurlly made film which 



elestries illustrates this sucraficies sacrifices and if you


what would please look at play it now. Thank you.
*It is wikipedia about Adolf Busch in Japanese.

アドルフ・ブッシュ(Adolf Busch、1891年8月8日 - 1952年6月9日)は、ドイツのヴァイオリン奏者。ジーゲン生まれ。アメリカ合衆国のギルドフォードで死去。指揮者のフリッツ・ブッシュは兄。また、1919年に結成されたブッシュ弦楽四重奏団、及びルドルフ・ゼルキンも参加したピアノ三重奏団で共に演奏したチェロ奏者のヘルマン・ブッシュは弟。 (ヘルマンのブッシュ弦楽四重奏団への参加は1930年。)

ウェストファーレンの工芸家具職人でありアマチュアのヴァイオリン奏者であった父から、アドルフは3歳の時よりヴァイオリンの手ほどきを受けた。11歳の時、ケルン音楽院に入学し、ヘス、エルデリングに師事する。 1912年、ブラームスのヴァイオリン協奏曲でソリストとしてデビュー、21歳でウィーン楽友協会管弦楽団の首席に、1917年、26歳でベルリン高等音楽院の主任教授に就任した。 1919年、ブッシュ弦楽四重奏団を結成した。1922年、ルドルフ・ゼルキンと知り合うが、1935年、ナチスに追放されたルドルフ・ゼルキンを追ってスイスに亡命した。1939年、家族とブッシュ弦楽四重奏団のメンバーとともにアメリカに渡った。