ニッポンの新常識Common Knowledge Revisited 61

“Conspiracy” Reporting Is a Holdover from WGIP; “We Are Angry” Protests Are Mere Emotionalism


 Having been thoroughly trained in law school to look for logic based on facts and evidence, I cannot countenance conspiracy theories or emotional arguments.

 As a current example, thinking of the activities of our “Association of Audiences Seeking Adherence to the Broadcast Law” as suppression of free speech by the government is a conspiracy theory. And the protest by the seven famous journalists that “We Are Angry” is a splendid example of emotionalism.

 The Japanese media reports conspiracy theories and emotional arguments without compunction, but the root causes for that are the Press Code ordered by GHQ (press restraints), the censorship implemented to confirm adherence to those restraints, and the “War Guilt Information Program (WGIP).”


 The purpose of the WGIP was to instill in the Japanese a sense of guilt over the Great East Asian War and to brainwash the Japanese populace so that they would never again fight against the United States.

 Because this was a secret program, it was a genuine conspiracy, the centerpiece of which was Article 9 of the Constitution, which provides for the “renunciation of war.”

 Some people may say “You, yourself, are a conspiracy theorist!” However, my accounts only state what I have read from declassified official secret U.S. documents. As a realist, I do not have the innate talent necessary to invent or fabricate “conspiracy theories” from wild fancy.

 I will recount the content of some “formerly classified documents” under the heading “Implementation of First War Guilt Information Program.”

 “About 1,000 copies of the ‘Sack of Manila’ were distributed to the Japanese press by the CIE (Civil Information and Education Section). The press was strongly urged to utilize this document in any part and at any time to give factual presentation of Japanese atrocities.”

 “The ‘Historical Articles on the War in the Pacific’ were translated into Japanese and published in book form by Takayama Shoin, a commercial publishing house. 100,000 copies were printed and sold.”

 “CIE wrote the scripts for the NHK radio program ‘Now It Can Be Told [Shinso wa kou da] (Question Box).’ When the original program ended, the ‘Question Box’ became the ‘Truth Box.’”

 The accounts of the so-called “Rape of Nanking” were not confessions of demobilized soldiers but rather the creation of CIE. By doing a search of the National Diet Library for the book, one can read the book form of “Now It Can Be Told, Part 1.” “The atrocities of Nanking” is noted beginning on page 30, but the content is unbelievable.

 As for motion pictures, it is noted in the declassified documents that beginning with “Who Drove the People to War?” from Riken Motion Pictures, Nippon Motion Pictures, Daiei, Shochiku, and Toho studios all made moves with the assistance or advice of GHQ.

 Under the occupation, all domestic media conformed to the orders of GHQ and made false or slanted reports, but the media has yet to correct its course.

 If NHK, which broadcast “Now It Can Be Told,” were to produce and broadcast a documentary disclosing the facts about WGIP, it would go a long way toward bringing about closure of the post-war censorship regime.


危険な沖縄 親日米国人のホンネ警告/産経新聞出版


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