【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited 63

Precisely Who Is Complaining about Ospreys Being Used in Disaster Relief?




 I express my condolences to all the people who lost their lives in the earthquake centered in Kumamoto. And I express sympathy for those who were injured or lost property. I pray for a speedy recovery.


 When an unprecedented disaster occurs, the world is taken aback by the cool response and behavior of Japanese citizens. That is because there is almost no panic or selfish actions immediately following the disaster.


 When receiving food or other goods, the people patiently wait their turn in line. There may be some trouble, but there is no worry that it will lead to a large scale disturbance. In Japan we do not see police or military personnel carrying guns or tear gas as is common in some other countries.


 Unfortunately, however, there are a few bad apples even in Japan. Some trucks or vans with license plates from other prefectures have appeared, and looters have committed thefts from the homes of some evacuees. The penalties for these types of crimes should be made stiffer than for normal robberies as deterrence.



 It is also necessary to be vigilant against fraudulent appeals for contributions to relief efforts. The contribution envelopes of a certain political party have been reported on the internet.


 In large letters it reads “XX party contributions to Kumamoto earthquake relief” but in small letters to the side it reads “Contributions … will be sent to be used at the discretion of the Kumamoto local party organization….”


 In other words, contributions can be used at will by the political party. If that party is against the self-defense forces or U.S. troops, these contributions can be used to thwart those activities.



 They are also taking contributions on street corners. If those contributions from regular citizens, not party members, are used not for relief efforts but as financing for party activities, this would constitute fraud.


 No matter how small the amount, it is important to ascertain the true intentions of those taking contributions. Incidentally, I want my contributions to go toward the reconstruction of Aso Shrine and Kumamoto Shrine, so I am sending them to the Kumamoto Association of Shinto Shrines.


 In the April 19th Asahi Newspaper, there is an article concerning use of the U.S. vertical take-off Osprey helicopters transporting relief supplies to the effect that “Are these necessary for current relief efforts? Are there not safety concerns? Many express doubts” or “The self-defense helicopters can carry 60 people. Are the U.S. Ospreys which carry 30 people necessary? Many people express their concerns.”


 People who still believe that the Ospreys are dangerous have outdated information. The rate of accidents following official introduction of the Ospreys is lower than that of the CH47 helicopters used by the self-defense forces.


 There is great merit in using the Ospreys which are much quieter and faster in relief operations. Precisely who is making these misguided complaints, and for what purpose?




毎週日曜日発行 まぐまぐメルマガ:http://www.mag2.com/m/0001655307.html
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