民進党は“共産党の二番煎じ” 民維支持率は合流前の両党の合計以下
Democratic Innovation Party (DP) a Pale Imitation of the Communist Party
DP Approval Ratings Lower than Previous Ratings for Both Parties Combined



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 64

 Elections to fill vacancies in the lower house in Kyoto No. 3 district and Hokkaido No. 5 district were held on the 24th. The ruling LDP and Komeito parties did not field a candidate in the Kyoto race, so the Democractic Innovation Party (DP) won by default. In Hokkaido, the candidate supported by the DP, the Social Democratic Party (SDP), and the Communist Party, etc. clashed head-on with the ruling parties’ candidate, and the opposition parties were defeated by a narrow margin.


 Elections for members of the Diet are, from the standpoint of the electorate, most important “to choose those who will represent them in the government.”


 The preamble to the Japanese Constitution begins with the words “We, the Japanese people, acting through our duly elected representatives in the National Diet, …”


 Demonstrators outside the Diet building shout “Down with Abe!” or “We don’t need a prime minister who cannot read the constitution!” but they do not understand the meaning of the words at the very beginning of the Constitution.





 In the Kyoto election, two-thirds of the voters failed to turn out. This is shameful. Is there no “voter education,” vital to a democracy, conducted in Kyoto?


 A check of the library site “calil.jp” shows that very few libraries in Kyoto Prefecture own copies of my latest books. Perhaps they do not want the populace to awaken from the indoctrination of a masochistic view of history conducted by GHQ (General Headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers).


 On the subject of elections, from the viewpoint of the candidates, an election has an aspect of an employment exam. If they win, they are employed, and if they lose, they are out of a job. Moreover, in national elections in Japan, candidates not supported by a political party almost never win. Each party supports candidates holding the party’s various views. In some cases party leaders are not invited to speak in support of certain candidates because it may have a negative effect on the outcome.


 There is no doubt about the importance of elections for a democratic nation. However, there is a tendency to view winning an election as achievement of “the goal.”


 In the past, the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) won a majority of seats in both houses of the Diet, but its policies and government administration were a shambles. That is precisely why the electorate has lost faith in the DPJ.


 Such a party without sound policies cannot be entrusted again with government administration. This is the most important lesson which the Japanese electorate learned from the period when the DPJ was in power.


 Immediately following the merger of the DPJ and the Innovation Party [into the DP], the approval rating of the new party fell below the combined approval ratings of the two former parties. The reason it has since fallen even further is that the DP has been reduced to a mere “oppose everything party” as regards the Abe administration.


 The DP should revert to basics and rethink the party’s direction and specific policies. This is no time to be acting as a pale imitation of the Japan Communist Party. It has been reported that the DP is considering seeking public opinion about parts of what it should promise in its platform for the upcoming upper house election this summer. It that is true, then it should just close down.




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危険な沖縄 親日米国人のホンネ警告/産経新聞出版
