【ニッポンの新常識】Common Sense Revisited 67


“無能”すぎる桝添都知事 状況判断、情報管理、倫理観すべてがイタイ
Utterly Incompetent Tokyo Governor Masuzoe: Situational Awareness, Information Management, Morals All Painfully Lacking



 Tokyo Governor Yoichi Masuzoe (67) appeared on TV and held news conferences while I was in the U.S. When I got back and took a look at the videos, it was more painful than I had imagined.



 Mr. Masuzoe seems convinced of his own competence, but judging from the reports, I feel like he has put a high priority on the interests of himself and his family, and for some reason Korea and the Korean residents of Japan, while giving short shrift to the opinions and interests of the citizens of Tokyo.



 While he may have been a good father, if he can’t set proper work priorities, he is most certainly incompetent as a governor.



 At his press conference on the 13th, Mr. Masuzoe said over and over again “there is no problem.” If he really thinks there is “no problem,” then there is a big problem with his judgment.



 The press conference which he held intending to put an end to the controversy ended up adding fuel to the fire. His lame analysis of the present situation and its probable outcome, together with the two poses he struck during the press conference that were strikingly similar to those of a [disgraced] former Hyogo Prefectural assemblyman, showed that Mr. Masuzoe is incompetent as an actor.





 Pressure is now coming not just from the weekly magazines and other press.

 An ordinary citizen identified what he thought was Mr. Masuzoe’s Yahoo ID number and made public the record of Masuzoe’s purchases of artwork, etc. on Yahoo Auction. Mr. Masuzoe hurriedly deleted the ID, but the damage was already done. It was thus demonstrated that he is also incompetent in protection of his personal information.



 In August 2014, demonstrations were held in front of city hall and in Ginza calling for Governor Masuzoe’s recall. The media, which scrupulously covers any demonstration against the administration of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, reported nothing at the time. Was he protected by some “greater power?”



 But this time no one, either in the television and print media, or even on the internet, has come forward to stick up for him. When the regular Tokyo assembly session is convened in June, we can expect the same vigorous scrutiny which forced the previous governor Naoki Inose to resign. It is reasonable to assume that the metropolitan police department and the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office have begun to look into this.



 As a child, Mr. Masuzoe was said to be an infant prodigy, and his grades as a student were stellar. He began appearing on television as an international political scholar when he was an assistant professor at Tokyo University, and when I appeared with him on TV Asahi’s “Asa Made Nama Terebi [Live TV until Morning],” he appeared to be a sharp-witted and competent scholar.



 I can, however, sympathize with the fact that since he was such a brilliant student he became convinced of his “own invincibility” and never had the opportunity to learn common sense and social ethics, or the importance of morals.



 The biggest victim of this row is no doubt Mr. Masuzoe’s two children. No one accepts his assertion that he held important political meetings in his family’s room when on [publicly funded] family trips. His children must have been subjected to a barrage of questions at school.



 Accordingly, Mr. Masuzoe has probably inflicted the greatest harm on the very people he most wanted to protect. I may be cold hearted, but I must say he is also “incompetent as a father.”



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