若者は「野党の嘘」や「偏向メディア」に騙されない 始まった日本人の正常化
Young People Not Deceived by Opposition Party Lies and Biased Media Normalization of Japan Has Begun





【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 75


The Upper House election is over. It was the first election in which 18 and 19 year olds were given the right to vote. According to exit polls by Kyodo News, 40.0% of teenagers voted for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which is higher than the 38.2% for all age brackets. 19.2% of teenagers voted for the Democratic Party (DP), which was less than the 20.4% for all age brackets.



In addition, 43.2% of people in their 20’s and 40.9% of voters in their 30’s voted for the LDP. Younger people get a variety of information from SNS and the internet rather than from traditional newspapers and television. For that reason, they were able easily to see through the lies and irresponsibility of the opposition parties and voted for the pragmatic policies of the LDP.



Some people are concerned about the “rightward tendencies” of the younger people, but the postwar education delivered by the Japan Teacher’s Union and biased reporting by the media have colored the views of the majority of Japanese such that, even worse than being apolitical, they are “unconsciously leftist” and have a “deep aversion to amending the Constitution.” The normalization of Japanese people has simply begun with the younger generation, which is more well attuned to information.



The mainstream media still reports on the student group “SEALDs” as if they are representative of the younger generation. However, the results this time proved that the SEALDs are nothing more than a small minority. At the same time, the media’s lies and biased reporting were exposed.



Founding member Aki Okuda announced that SEALDs will disband on August 15th. On Facebook and Twitter, I suggested that we do an anti-war demonstration together before they disband. The location would be not in front of the National Diet building, but in front of the embassy of the People’s Republic of China (PRC). At this writing, I have not received a reply.



In this Upper House election, Mr. Shigeharu Aoyama ran on the LDP proportional representation ticket and won without any organizational support. This is extremely good news for conservatives. On the other hand, there were expressions deploring the election of Ms. Mizuho Fukushima from the Social Democratic Party and Mr. Yoshifu Arita from the DP on the internet. I am actually glad that they won.



It has been pointed out that Ms. Fukushima, who when she was an attorney drew wide attention by asserting that the Japanese government forcibly recruited Korean women to serve as comfort women and thereafter won a seat in the Upper House, was the instigator of worsened relations between Korea and Japan. Does she not have a responsibility to explain herself as a member of the Diet?



Mr. Arita provided to the Weekly Bunshun magazine a picture of the daughter of North Korean abductee Megumi Yokota’s daughter Eun Gyong holding her daughter. I cannot understand why he will not disclose the route by which he obtained this photograph.



I hope that Mr. Aoyama, who is an expert on the North Korean problem, will pursue these matters vigorously in the Diet.



Next up is the election for the governor of Tokyo. The four opposition parties have agreed to jointly support Mr. Shuntaro Torigoe, and I will comment about this later. In addition, I am disappointed by the disarray in the Tokyo LDP party organization. I hope that for once the next governor will give highest priority to the interests of the Tokyo residents.



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