日本のテレビも選挙候補者の公開討論を “泡沫扱い”が米大統領になることも
Open Debates Needed in Japanese Elections So-called Weak Candidates Can Become President of the U.S.


【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 77


 In the American presidential election, real estate mogul Donald Trump and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton have been chosen as the candidates from the Republican and Democratic parties respectively.


 For all practical purposes, the U.S. political system consists of two major parties, and beginning with the election of Franklin Pierce, who took office in 1853 as the 14th president, for the last 160 years only the candidate from either the Republican or Democratic party has won the general election and become president.


 Barring some unforeseen circumstance, one of these two candidates will become 45th president of the United States.


 The primary election took many twists and turns for both candidates. Trump, who at first was treated as a weak Republican Party candidate, won out while brushing off various domestic and foreign concerns.


 In the case of the Democratic Party, Senator Bernie Sanders, who was also thought to be a weak candidate, fought it out to the end. One year ago, no one foresaw this outcome.


 It is not uncommon in U.S. presidential elections for someone considered to be a weak candidate to gain traction in the primary elections and become the president. President Reagan, former President Clinton, and President Obama were all considered weak candidates when they first stepped forward.


 In order to win out, it is necessary for the candidates to be given an opportunity to display to the electorate their policies, vision, qualifications, and passion. Since 1960, the debates hosted by television networks have carried out this function.


 Unfortunately, Japanese television stations either have a weak sense of their responsibility to ensure the people’s “right to know” or else they have little interest in providing information about candidates who are considered weak. It is almost impossible for a candidate considered to be weak to overcome that image and win a major election, including the Tokyo gubernatorial election.



 There are 21 candidates in the Tokyo gubernatorial election, so it is impossible and meaningless to have them all participate in one open debate on television. However, there is value in having those candidates who have a certain level of support in the opinion polls to present their policies, vision, credentials, and character to a wide portion of the electorate. The present short recorded election messages do not contain enough information.


 Some have pointed out that the success of Trump and Sanders was due to populism. I agree that the wildly enthusiastic response to irresponsible and unrealistic policies such as “We will build a wall on the Mexican border,” or “We will make tuition for all public universities free,” etc., is disappointing.


 On the other hand, how about the claims by the Japanese opposition parties that “We will not under any circumstances support an amendment to the Constitution of Japan?” Their emotional rejection of any amended constitution is not that of politicians, but rather of religionists who command “adherence to scripture.”


 For a democratic country which upholds the separation of church and state, perhaps populism is preferable.



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