Swarm of Chinese Vessels a Military Action
Should Land Self-Defense Forces on Senkaku Islands
and Bring Suit in the Court of Arbitration

【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 79



Since August 5th, ships from the People’s Republic of China (PRC) have been surging into the area around the Senkaku Islands of Okinawa prefecture. Chinese Coast Guard ships number an unprecedented 15 vessels, and some of them have repeatedly intruded into territorial waters.


Approximately 300 Chinese fishing vessels have also amassed in the vicinity, and there is a high probability that maritime militia members are on board. This is no longer a simple provocation but is rather for all intents and purposes a military exercise and an act of aggression.


If the same thing happened off the coast of Hawaii or Guam, the U.S. Navy would undoubtedly immediately send in an aircraft carrier to confront them. All U.S. journalists and commentators would be calling for military action on television, in print, and in speeches, and consumer groups would be clamoring for a boycott of Chinese-made goods.


There would be daily demonstrations in the Chinatowns across America, and the people of Chinese descent would be feeling humiliation and physical danger.


By contrast, what are the Japanese citizens’ groups and mass media who are always intoning “anti-war” slogans doing? Perhaps because they fear antagonizing the PRC and making the situation even worse, they are very quiet.


This peaceful attitude of Japan itself has been the major cause of the current situation. This “peace at any price foreign policy” of the administration, the foreign ministry, and the media has led to an untenable situation.


Diplomacy consists of a clash of national interests, not so different from the turf wars of common street gangs. Therefore, the common sense theory of Japanese which holds that “If I yield a step, the other party will also yield a step” does not hold water. If one party makes a concession, the result is that it is held in contempt by the other party, who will blackmail it into making further concessions. Japanese diplomacy has been a series of such concessions.


Why have supposedly elite foreign ministry bureaucrats and pivotal members of the administration been unable to understand this simple reasoning obvious to any jungle primate and continually bumbled foreign affairs? Is it because they are “too sophisticated,” or is it because they are simply incompetent?


As readily apparent from the aggressive construction of man-made islands in the Spratly Islands and the total ignoring of the decision made by the Hague Court of Arbitration, the PRC government has no intention of abiding by international law or keeping promises made to foreign countries. It lies without compunction, and it has no sense of shame about its grandiloquent and arrogant attitude.


The mere protestations of Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida are useless. Japan should, like the Philippines, bring suit in the Hague Court of Arbitration and expose to the world the reality that the PRC is not worthy of being a member of international society.


At the same time, since the Senkaku Islands are owned by Japan, Japan should deploy self-defense forces to occupy and defend the islands.


As a symbolic gesture that Japan has abandoned “peace at any price diplomacy,” Prime Minister Abe and his entire cabinet should pay their respects at the Yasukuni Shrine on August 15th, the anniversary of the end of the war.


Prime Minister Abe should assert both domestically and abroad the propriety and necessity of honoring the spirits of fallen heroes at Yasukuni Shrine. Is not the current situation of bowing to the Asahi Newspaper’s propaganda and the interference in domestic affairs carried on by the PRC, Korea, and the U.S. intolerable?







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