
Stumble on Security Will Lead to “PRC Japan Province”
Looking for Sincere Attitude in Candidates for DP President



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 82

The election campaign for the president of the Democratic Party (Minshinto = DP) opened on September 2nd, and the election itself will be held on September 15th. Deputy President Renho and former foreign minister Seiji Maehara are standing for election, but despite the fact that the DP is the leading opposition party, there seems to be little enthusiasm. It seems that the Japanese people do not foresee any possibility of the new DP president becoming a future prime minister.


All people make mistakes. Political parties and government administrations are conglomerations of people, so of course policy mistakes will be made. The Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has made its fair share of policy mistakes. The current Abe administration has also made some decisions which may not be considered exactly correct in economic and foreign policy and its approach to amendment of the Constitution.


Even so, the fact that the LDP-Komeito coalition has won the last four national elections is probably a result of the fact that the DP (including its predecessor the Democratic Socialist Party = DSP) hooked up with the Japan Communist Party and basically just obstructed the LDP.


I don’t know whether they don’t take the electorate seriously or whether they simply can’t get their act together, but I think the fact that they lost the last four national elections and the Tokyo gubernatorial election was due to the fact that their predisposition is to take only superficial measures and to criticize the administration rather than engaging in a coherent policy debate.


During the 3 years and 3 months when the DSP was in power and Renho and Maehara were in the cabinet, due to the effect of reckless spending on child subsidies, reduction in expressway tolls, and making high school free, it became the norm to issue 4 trillion yen of government bonds each year.


On the other hand, the review and prioritization of government programs which Renho concentrated on fell short of expectations for cuts in primary expenditures. It is impossible to forget the confusion exhibited by then-prime minister Naoto Kan, chief cabinet secretary Yukio Edano, and minister of economy, trade and industry Banri Kaieda at the time of the nuclear accident at Tokyo Electric’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Plant, 


On national defense, prime minister Yukio Hatoyama, in speaking about the relocation of the U.S. military base in Futenma, Okinawa, made a spur-of-the-moment comment that “at least it should be located outside Okinawa Prefecture,” leaving the U.S.-Japan relationship of trust in shreds.


Because there was no economic policy, the exchange rate fell to 75 yen per dollar, putting pressure on exporters. The Nikkei Index fell below 10,000 and showed no signs of recovery.


The DP politicians led by former prime ministers show no sincere intention to take a hard look at past mistakes and irresponsibility, bravely apologize, and make improvements in the future. One cannot trust or expect much from a political party or politicians who offer only “evasive excuses” and “pass the buck.”


Above all else, I cannot understand why they continue to push for repeal of the National Security Bills. At this point if Japan retracts its acceptance of the exercise of the right to collective self-defense, the People’s Republic of China (PRC) will no doubt be overjoyed, but Japan will lose all credibility with not just the United States, but the whole rest of the world.


If the U.S. runs out of patience with Japan and moves toward abolition of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty, the path will lead straight to the creation of the “PRC Japan Province.” I want to ask if that is what the candidates for leader of the DP desire.








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