公務員の「不正」は国家の恥 法制度を根本から見直すべき時期
Misdeeds by Public Employees a National Shame
Time to Reexamine Basics of the Legal System




【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 85


In Tokyo, there is mass confusion about the relocation of the Tsukiji Fish Market (in Chuo-ku) to Toyosu (in Koto-ku).


The reasons Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike ordered a reinvestigation of the Toyosu Market were to find out why the costs ballooned from 392 billion yen in 2011 to 584 billion yen in 2016, and to reconfirm safety in light of persistent fears.


However, it was discovered that the soil contamination countermeasures originally explained by the metropolitan government involving spreading layers of clean soil on the ground were not carried out underneath the main buildings. Some was deliberately telling a lie.


Former governor Shintaro Ishihara’s statement that “I was deceived” just passed the buck, leaving a discrepancy between his statement and the testimony of other officials. The situation is not likely to be settled easily.


In Toyama Prefecture, a series of revelations concerning improper reimbursement of official expenses by 9 members of the Toyama City Council and 3 members of the Prefectural Assembly resulted in all of their resignations. Two years ago then-Hyogo Prefectural Assembly member Ryutaro Nonomura sobbed uncontrollably at a press conference where he was pressed hard about the same improper reimbursement of official expenses, and he later resigned.


Despite all of these cases, nothing has been done to change the defects in the system, and the political leaders nationwide who have taken advantage of the system must be spending sleepless nights wondering when the same misfortunes may befall them.


As the term states, “public officials,” including the members of the National Diet and prefectural and local assemblies who are special public officials, are “employees of the national and local governments who should work for the interests of the public.” Article 15(2) of the Constitution states that “All public officials are servants of the whole community and not of any group thereof,” but there is no end of disgraceful public employees who put their own interests first.


Incidentally, leaders of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) Communist Party who are public officials and the generals in the People’s Liberation Army are disgraceful people who think it natural that they should put their self-interest and selfish desires first.



The total amount of bribes given or received in the PRC is said to be on a totally higher order of magnitude, about 7 trillion yen per year. By comparison, the amounts in the U.S. and Japan are paltry and call to mind the image of a poor soul being given leftovers.


Looking back on human history, dishonesty and corruption has never failed to occur in any kind of organization, not just with public servants. Nations and localities should create laws and systems based on this premise, but most Japanese operate on the belief that human nature is fundamentally good, so they do not take the necessary precautions.


To compensate for flaws in the system, individual morals and a sense of ethics is key. Japanese have no interest in religious doctrines, live their daily lives according to situational ethics, and fear isolation, so their standard for right and wrong is relative, and they are easily swayed by those around them.


I think the time has come to reexamine the basics of the legal system taking into account the Japanese national character.








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