Huge Perception Gap Between Americans Hungry for Change and Elitist Media
U.S. Presidential Debate Wrap-up



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 86

The first debate in the U.S. presidential election was held on the 26th (morning of the 27th in Japan) in Hempstead, New York. I watched it live on the internet. Speaking as a former debate team member, democratic candidate and former secretary of state Hillary Clinton gave a nearly flawless presentation.


No signs were evident of her purported health problems, and her hair and makeup were flawless. She kept a smile throughout and seemed at ease.


On the other hand, the content of the republican candidate Donald Trump’s presentation showed no particular change from what he said during the primary election debates. He did not talk about “building a wall on the border with Mexico,” but he exhibited again his general lack of knowledge and repeated again his mistaken statements about NATO and the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty.


If this event were graded like a student debate competition, Hillary would have won hands down. CNN’s opinion poll immediately after the debate showed 62% believed Hillary won versus 27% for Trump.


However, the online poll of Time readers had Hillary at 45% and Trump winning at 55%. Many of the online media polls showed a victory for Trump.


The conservatives in the U.S. ridicule CNN as the “Clinton News Network,” but Japanese trust CNN about the same as NHK, which is why so many Japanese cannot understand the thought patterns of Americans who think Trump won.


To begin with, the biggest reason Trump won the Republication nomination in the primary elections was precisely because he has no experience as a politician.


Among both Republicans and Democrats, many Americans believe that politicians have deftly deceived the people and pursued policies such that the rich get richer at the expense of the middle class.


To these people, the Clintons are a prime example of politicians who conspired with Wall Street to get rich. The more Hillary prepares and delivers a polished presentation, the more their distrust is reinforced.


By contrast, they believe that if Trump becomes president, his lack of knowledge and mistaken facts will be corrected by the military and the bureaucracy.


Many voters want to place their bets on Trump, but they are put off by his tendency to make crude statements. They are looking for any kind of confirmation that “It’s OK to elect Trump” or that “Such a choice would be correct.”


The reason that Trump did not press Hillary strongly about her private emails or bring up her husband’s sex scandals was to show these people that he is a rational person.


Americans hungry for change look at the debates from a much different perspective from that of elite former debaters or the mass media.







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