

“Changes” in Japan from Trump Election
Looking for Progress on Constitutional Amendment



【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited 92


Contrary to widespread media expectations, Donald Trump won a landslide victory in the U.S. presidential elections on November 8th (November 9th in Japan). Why was Trump able to win with a campaign characterized by name calling and baseless political statements rather than rational discourse? The majority of Japanese people probably find the outcome incomprehensible.


There is no reason for me to brag. In February and March when the fierce primary elections were being held, I stated on NHK’s “Sunday Debate” and other programs broadcast nationwide that “There is no way Trump will become the Republican candidate.”


I have egg on my face, but as a result I gained a new appreciation for the reality that if you put too much trust in the media your views will naturally become distorted.


Thereafter when I made a trip to the U.S. in the beginning of May when I came to understand why my wife and sons became “Trump supporters” as I directly experienced the political passion felt in the U.S. In addition, I started to think that a “Trump presidency” would be very effective in bringing about the end of the postwar dependency of Japan on the U.S.


When things are not going right, no improvement will occur without change. The U.S. is a “take a chance” country where people are open to change on the premise that “if things do not improve they can always revert to the previous system.”


However, the Japanese thinking is to “be patient” or “get used to it.” If you ask me, the Japanese have a pathological fear of change. The result is that the situation often progresses to a point where there is no chance of improvement.



In on-the-street interviews after Trump won the election, many people expressed “anxiety.” It is true that even I cannot predict what Trump will do in the coming days. I can understand why people would feel anxiety.


As a result of heightened anxiety, there are people who have posted on Twitter than “The United States is a country of fools,” but I would counter that “A country which entrusts their future to a country of fools is a bigger fool.”


It is very interesting that the media, which expresses little anger when North Korea conducts multiple nuclear tests and lobs missiles into Japanese maritime territory, and which makes no clamor when the People’s Republic of China (PRC) engages in actions aimed at taking over not only the Senkaku Islands but all of Okinawa, suddenly expresses concern over “What will become of the U.S.-Japan Security Treaty and U.S. troops stationed in Japan.”


Trump asserts the supremely reasonable view that “Japan should defend its own country by itself.” Article 9 of the Japanese constitution is an impediment to the realization of that policy.


I hope that with the birth of the Trump presidency, which might be called “The heisei version of Admiral Perry’s opening of Japan,” Japanese may awaken to the myth that “Article 9 is the basis for peace in Japan” and that the movement toward amendment of the constitution will pick up speed.







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