
Media Lies About True Nature of Anti-Trump Demonstrations
Japanese Media Needs to Improve Literacy about Information Manipulation



【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 93

CNN and various other media have reported that a large number of Americans do not accept the election of President-elect Donald Trump, and that on the night of the 9th “Ant-Trump protest demonstrations” were held in 25 cities across the nation.


I imagine a large number of Japanese thought “Trump must not really be suitable as president.” If you are one of those people, you lack sufficient understanding about media manipulation of information.


In a November 11th Gallup poll (November 12th JST), 84% of Americans answered that they would accept the election results. 15% answered that they would not accept Trump as the legitimate president.


In other words, “anti-Trump demonstrators” are a noisy minority. It is precisely the same as when the student group “SEALDs,” which disbanded in August, held a series of “Anti-Abe administration” demonstrations and a portion of the Japanese media reported them as representing the majority.


CNN, which is ridiculed as the “Clinton News Network,” probably won’t report it, but wealthy investor George Soros is said to have instigated the current U.S. demonstrations. The NGO “MoveOn” which is supported by Soros issued the following statement on November 9th.


“MoveOn members and our allies will gather peacefully tonight, November 9, in cities and towns across the nation. We will affirm our continued rejection of Donald Trump's bigotry, xenophobia, Islamophobia, and misogyny, and we will demonstrate our resolve to fight together for the America we still believe is possible.”


These demonstrators who deny the basic tenets of democracy and don’t know when to give up are being transported by busses. I immediately thought of the “professional demonstrators” in Okinawa. They might likewise be getting a daily allowance and food money.


This presidential election was a stunning exposure of the lies and arrogance of the media.


For example, they labeled Trump supporters as “uneducated poor white workers” in a scheme to persuade undecided voters to support Hillary.


However, the actual Trump supporters were not uneducated or low-income. I am a good example of that. The real low-income people overwhelmingly supported the democratic party and its candidate Hillary Clinton because they receive generous government benefits. For people who make more than $50,000 per year, the support rate was basically even for each candidate.


This is a simple case of the media, which overwhelmingly supported Hillary, engaging in biased reporting belittling the grand majority of Americans who accept democracy both during and after the election.


The Japanese media which reports “shock” and “a big upset” needs to learn to see through media manipulation of information to avoid looking doubly ridiculous.







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