
“Constitutionalism” As Propaganda to Block Constitutional Amendment
In China, No Respect for the Lives of Even Its Own Citizens




【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 95

 I am appalled listening to the statements of Democratic Party (DP) and Japan Communist Party (JCP) members in the Constitutional Council. They use the word “constitutionalism” without clarifying its meaning to obstruct discussions of constitutional amendment, which is one of the aims of the Shinzo Abe cabinet.


 Repetition of propaganda is a stale obstructionist tactic used by the irresponsible opposition parties, but the effect has been that the approval rating for the Abe cabinet has actually increased to 60.7% (Kyodo News, Nov. 26-27 poll).



 As was the case during deliberations on the Security Bills last year, repetition of hypocritical propaganda such as “constitutionalism,” “anti-war,” and “maintain peace” while being unable to engage in meaningful policy debates has not raised the approval ratings of the irresponsible opposition parties. They still do not get it.



 To set the record straight, let’s look at the definition of “constitutionalism.” In the middle ages in Europe, the absolute monarchs were able from time to time to unilaterally assess taxes or labor burdens on the populace.



 Following the American Civil War and the French Revolution, the first modern U.S. Constitution and the French Declaration of Human Rights were established. The main purpose of a “constitution” was thus said to be to protect against despotism. In other words, as one line of constitutional thought, the main purpose of constitutionalism came to be said to be to “preserve the human rights of the citizens.”



 Under a despotic government, citizens who expressed opposition were imprisoned and executions were not unusual. The most representative despotic regimes at the present time are the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and North Korea. People who are sympathetic to and defend these countries have no standing to be talking about constitutionalism.



 As stated before, the despotic PRC regime has no compunction about violating human rights. As can be seen by the suppression of the Falun Gong and forcible harvesting of human organs, the PRC has no respect for the right to life of even its own citizens, so there is no reason to expect that it would respect the human rights of non-citizens.



 The fact that this PRC has embarked upon aggression against the Senkaku Islands and Okinawa itself is more than abundantly clear.



 I appeared on “Live Television Until Morning [Asa Made Nama Terebi]” the other day (actually, night). One of the other panelists was Ukeru Magozaki, a former foreign ministry official who is presently a director at the East Asian Community Institute where former prime minister Yukio Hatoyama is the chief director. He expressed the utopian opinion that in this day and age there is no chance that any country will invade any other country.” I was totally dumbfounded.



 It is highly unlikely that the Japanese government will engage in the kinds of human rights violations seen in the PRC, but under Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution Japan cannot have a military, which means that the deterrence to war is woefully insufficient. To protect the most important human right of citizens, the right to life, amendment of the constitution is an urgent imperative, and this is totally in accordance with constitutionalism.



 It leaves us to wonder whether those who criticize that as a “violation of constitutionalism” are “wishful thinkers or spies.”






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