
“National Interest” Ignored for Moritomo Issue
Adachi (opposition Osaka Restoration Party) Points Out Possible Links with the North
【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited 109
 Under the provisions of Article 41 of the Japanese Constitution, the Diet shall be the sole law-making organ of the state. Accordingly, the highest priority duty of the members who comprise the Diet should be “passing laws,” or in other words, deliberating on proposed legislation and adopting new laws, or revising existing but outdated laws.

 According to the website of the house of representatives, a total of 228 bills were submitted to the current 193rd ordinary diet session, 56 bills from members of the house of representatives, 101 bills from members of the house of councilors, and 70 bills from the cabinet.

 As of the 22nd, about two months since the session was first convened, two bills from the house of representatives have been withdrawn, and one bill, the “Law Amending the Local Allocation Tax Law and a Portion of the Law Concerning Special Accounts,” has been passed, with the rest still under deliberation.

 Do the members of the Democratic Party, the Communist Party, and the Social Democratic Party who take up only the “Moritomo Gakuen” (Osaka City) [see explanation from last week’s column] issue have no intention to carry out their duties as members of the Diet? It appears that they have adopted as their “single goal” bringing down the Shinzo Abe cabinet and obstructing other deliberations with contrived smoke screens where there is no fire.

 As a result, deliberations have been totally sidelined on such important bills as the “Law Amending the Law for Punishment of Organized Crime,” the “Law Amending the Japan Student Services Organization Law” the purpose of which is to establish student scholarship grants which need not be repaid, and the “Law Amending the Nuclear Power Indemnity and Reactor Decommissioning Assistance Organization Law,” the purpose of which is to secure stable funding for the decommissioning of Tokyo Electric Power Company’s Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Plant.

 Reporting by television, etc. who should be telling us the facts is, as usual, in a dismal state.

 It is true that Chairman Yasunori Kagoike’s educational philosophy was overrated, but persistent and haphazard reporting, the main thrust of which is to simultaneously denigrate the Rescript on Education, the security legislation, and the character of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his wife, makes it hard to believe that these media operators are actually licensed organizations that are required to adhere to the provisions of the Broadcast Law.

 If they intend to present themselves as monitors of the Diet, the “highest organ of state power,” then they should point out the enormous waste of taxes and deliberative time, and report the “disgust” of sensible citizens.

 As I wrote last week, after North Korea simultaneously launched four ballistic missiles, the Strategic Rocket Forces of the Korean People’s Army candidly made an official announcement on that this test launch was “carried out with the goal of attacking U.S. military bases in Japan.” It is said that North Korea is in the final stages of preparation for the test launching of an ICBM. This is a clear statement of intent of preparations for launching a military attack on Japan and the United States.

 Despite this fact, it appears that opposition party members and a portion of the media are giving highest priority to petty politics and bringing down the Abe cabinet. I want to ask, “Do they have no concept of ‘national interest’ or ‘national defense?’”

 It should be noted that on the 17th, Yasushi Adachi of the opposition Osaka Restoration Association party, pointed out that “In light of the danger to national security, simply trying to bring down Prime Minister Abe and Defense Minister Inada Tomomi raises suspicions of collusion with North Korea and China.” If these suspicions are on the mark, then a portion of the opposition parties and the media will need to be praised for their “outstanding performance.”







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