GHQ Spawned “Japanese Media which Buckles Under to Claimers”
National Interest Harmed; Relations with Korea and China a Typical Example
【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 111
 As compared with the mild-mannered Japanese, as an American, I don’t hesitate much to make claims about customer service and the attitude of those providing the customer service.

 The other day at a certain bank, after I submitted the papers for an international funds transfer, I was left waiting for more than one hour without any explanation of the delay, and I lodged a strong claim. In the 1990’s, it was reported in a weekly magazine that I had been placed near the top of the passenger blacklist by a Japanese domestic airline. [This was mainly because I complained endlessly and loudly about the lack of no-smoking seats, or the fact that smoking was even allowed on the airliners.] For good or bad, the thought pattern that “I should defer because I am somewhat famous” does not exist in my brain.

 Lately, a few people hostile to my opinions have had fun on Twitter saying that “Kent is just a ‘claimer’ [disparaging term for ‘claimant’].” However, I will probably continue to lodge claims as occasions arise.

 If improved service is spurred by a claim, the other person also benefits. And that benefits the entire company. Precisely because I am motivated by this “win-win” scenario, I can state claims without being self-conscious.

 On the other hand, there are certain claims [or demands] in the world which should never be accepted. Those are “win-lose” situations where only the claimant wins and the other person one-sidedly loses.

 Even if the loss is small, the fact that one knuckled under to an unreasonable claim warps social justice, and when such incidents accumulate they result in a harm to national interests. Japanese-Korean relations and Japanese-Chinese relations are typical examples.

 The biggest “claimer” in history was GHQ (General Headquarters of the Supreme Allied Commander) which made outrageously unreasonable “win-lose” demands of the Japanese people. The Japanese media had no means of surviving without knuckling under to this most powerful claimant.

 After the end of the occupation, this basic weakness of the media in the face of claims did not change. Upon the departure of GHQ, left-wing political parties, unions, and ethnic organizations nurtured by the occupation policies rushed in to fill the void. A number of organizations sprang up that tried to manipulate the media behind the scenes and to control public opinion and the administration with organizational claims.

 The report aired [in January] on Tokyo MX TV’s “News Girls” about Okinawa exposed facts theretofore deliberately hidden by the media because of its fear of claims. Leftist newspapers who specialize in “baseless conjecture,” without making any appreciable effort to investigate the facts, irresponsibly reported that the program was a “false program” in a show of revenge.

 The pitiful Japanese media which buckles under to claimers, along with its subsidiary the BPO (Broadcasting Ethics & Program Improvement Organization), have been reduced to being claimers against “media which does not engage in baseless conjecture.”

The media, which has relentlessly criticized listed companies for bowing to pressure to pay off “sokaiya” [racketeers who extort money from companies by threatening to cause trouble at the general meeting of the stockholders], now needs to get serious about implementing its own claimer policy.







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