
Attorneys Bear Responsibility for Reckless Behavior of Their Leaders
Do Not Tacitly Permit Left Wing Political Activities of the Federation of Japanese Bar Association
【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 112

 On April 9th, Haruo Kitamura, an attorney who appears on the popular NTV variety program “Your Legal Clinic,” tweeted on Twitter as follows.

 “I worked hard to become an attorney. Since I was required to do so, I joined the bar association. I have continued to pay high dues. But the bar association and its chairman send out official opinions and official statements. Some conform precisely to the policies of the Japan Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party, and they are often directly opposed to my own views. I want to shout: ‘I didn’t join a political party!’”

 This tweet drew a great deal of attention, and in a short time was retweeted 10,000 times.

 For some time now I have been critical of the left-wing political activities of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (the Federation), but it seems that it requires some amount of courage for Japanese attorneys who are required to join the Federation to support the arguments of Mr. Kitamura. I still have not heard of any attorneys publicly expressing like opinions.

 In the past, the California Bar Association of which I am a member used a portion of our compulsory dues to support left-wing political causes.

 We should allow the freedom for left-wing attorneys to engage in political activities, but conservative attorneys need not provide financial support for those activities. In California those of us in the silent majority raised our voices, and the rules were changed such that compulsory dues could not be used for any political activities.

 On the Federation’s website, among the official opinions and official statements there is a section titled “latest official opinions.” Included are an “Opinion Opposed to Consideration of a Bill to Create a So-called Anti-Conspiracy Crime” (February 17) and an “Opinion Opposed to Adding a Provision to the Constitution for Emergency Powers” (February 17).

 In addition, there are 2016 statements titled “Official Statement That We Are Strongly Opposed to Capital Punishment, That Carrying Out of Capital Punishment Should Be Stopped, and That Capital Punishment Should Be Abolished by 2020” (November) and “Official Statement in Opposition to the Abolishment of Financial Support for [North] Korean Schools” (July).

 Public opinion on these political issues is sharply divided. I can understand newspaper editorials stating such opinions, but I think the fact that the Federation undertakes to deliberately influence public opinion through official opinions and official statements is highly problematic.

 For starters, the statement about “Abolishment of Capital Punishment by 2020” was adopted by a vote including only 786 of the 37,000 members of the Federation in which only 546 voted in favor. This is just 1.5% of the total membership. The remaining more than 36,000 attorneys were not permitted to submit absentee ballots or vote by proxy.

 The federation issues these under the title of “Opinion of the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations” or “Official Statement of the Japanese Federation of Bar Associations.” If people who mistakenly believed these to be the opinions of the majority of attorneys were to know the facts, no doubt they would consider it “tantamount to fraud.”

 The attorneys who tacitly permit this recklessness bear some moral responsibility. I understand that attorneys are busy, but they should demand proper accountability of the organization to which they belong.







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