Can You Still Say “There Is No Real Danger from North Korea?”
What Will Be the Fate of the Dictator with Eighth Grade Syndrome?

【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 113

[“Eighth Grade Syndrome” is a Japanese term which means “exhibiting a firm and often aggressive conviction of knowledge and wisdom and unaware of limitation and lack of maturity”]
 The Japanese media has finally started reporting about North Korean nuclear tests and missile development after spending all its time talking only about the “Moritomo School” issue until just the other day.

 North Korea has officially said that the targets of its ballistic missiles include U.S. bases in Japan and Japanese cities. For all practical purposes, North Korea possesses nuclear weapon capability, and it is a well-known fact that it has large stocks of chemical and biological weapons such as the highly toxic sarin gas and the nerve agent VX. On the 13th Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pointed out in the upper house Foreign Relations and Defense Committee that there is a possibility that North Korea has the technology to load sarin gas into a missile and deliver it by way of a ballistic missile strike.

 The next day in its column “Elementary Particles,” the Asahi Newspaper wrote “Does he mean to say that this is the same as Syria when the prime minister says North Korea can load sarin gas on a missile? What does he want? What does he want to do?”

 To me this column reads as if the Asahi Newspaper wanted to say, “When we are trying so hard to erase the negative image of North Korea and perpetuate the Japanese people’s complacency about peace, the prime minister needs to keep quiet.” My question is “What does the Asahi Newspaper want to do?”

 The Sankei Newspaper reports (in its online version) that the Chairman of the Japan Communist Party Kazuo Shii appeared on TV in November 2015 and said “There is no real danger from North Korea or China. The real danger is that Japanese self-defense forces may go to the Middle East or Africa and participate in a war.”

 On April 12th, Mr. Shii wrote on Twitter that “President Trump has indicated there is a possibility that the U.S. will take unilateral military action against North Korea. I am strongly opposed to military actions which will bring about destruction. The most important thing is, while tightening economic sanctions, to tie the hands of North Korea’s nuclear and missile development through diplomatic negotiations to make them abandon [nuclear and missile development].

 He may intend this as a sound argument, but it is irresponsible for him to demand that others do what he is not able to do himself. First, he needs to learn negotiation skills, then win over the voters and effect a change in administration, and then he should be the one to do the diplomatic negotiations.

 作家の百田尚樹氏は、志位氏のツイートに対して、《北朝鮮に核を放棄させることが何より大切なら、お前がやってみろよ! 誰も出来なかったから、アメリカが軍事力で止めようとしてるんじゃないか! 黙ってろ、北朝鮮の手先が!》と反撃した。
 In response to Mr. Shii’s tweet, author Naoki Hyakuta replied “If you think the most important thing is to get North Korea to abandon nuclear arms, you should do it yourself! America is threatening to stop them through military force because no one has been able to do what you say. Just shut up already, you agent of North Korea!”

 The words are a little bit extreme, but I understand his feelings.

 In the first place, it is very difficult to predict what Korean Workers Party Chairman Kim Jong-un will do. As human beings progress, they usually learn to act rationally and dispassionately based on logic rather than emotions. But he assumed the position of dictator before completing the progression process, kills subordinates according to the dictates of his emotions, and irrationally engages in intimidation of the U.S., Japan, and Korea.

 What will be the fate of this dictator with eighth grade syndrome?







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