What Will Come of Korea under Its New President?
Mun Has No Obligations to the Privileged Class
The People Not Concerned about North Korea
【ニッポンの新常識】Common Knowledge Revisited 117
 Mun Jae-in was inaugurated on May 10th as the 29th president of South Korea.

 During the election campaign, the Japanese newspapers and television stations reported at length that he advocated a “reconsideration of the Japan-Korea Agreement” regarding comfort women. However, he did not raise this issue in his acceptance speech. In addition, during the campaign he advocated a soft approach to North Korea, so it was reported in Japan that there was concern that he would move quickly to recognize or normalize relations with North Korea.

 So, on Monday and Tuesday I took an overnight trip to find out why the Korean people chose this person and what the current situation was in Seoul.

 The Korean people I talked to said that their motivation for choosing Mr. Mun was not his “Anti-Japan” or “Pro-North Korea” policies, but a sincere expectation that he could rebuild South Korea. They apparently determined that Mr. Mun, who has no obvious connections with the privileged sectors of Korean society, was committed to and had the ability to reform the Korean economy, which is overly influenced by the Chaebol [economic conglomerates] that dominate the Korean economy. In particular, his position to work hard for the younger voters who face severe employment opportunity difficulties comprised a big part of his support base.

 In addition, his difficult background worked to reach the hearts of Koreans. Beginning with a history of student activism, followed by a progression to an attorney specializing in human rights, and thereafter becoming a politician, worked to provide an image of “a moderate and logical leader who could be supported by the younger generation.” During the election campaign, the Mun camp worked hard to push this message.

 Immediately after winning the election, the Mun family posed for pictures in front of their residence, so I went to some length to find that place. On the 13th, he had moved to the Blue House (= U.S. White House), but when I went to his former residence, the movers were still there working.

 His former residence is a condominium, but it is in a very inconvenient location at the top of a winding mountain road [think Nagasaki], the road is narrow, and the building itself is by no means anything approaching elegant. It is said to have been built 16 years ago, but appears much older. The units themselves are not very big. The fact that he has lived a life much like ordinary people is viewed as a symbol of his concern not for the privileged class, but for the ordinary citizenry.

 During the election, Mr. Mun said that after preparations are complete, he will open the Blue House to the public, and he and his family will move to a nearby public housing unit for government employees.

 On December 3rd of last year, a candlelight demonstration [see Wikipedia for the significance of candlelight vigils in modern Korean history] was held seeking the resignation of former President Park Geun-hye which was attended by 1.7 million people in Seoul and 2.3 million people nationwide. I went to see the site of the demonstration, but there was no sign of what had occurred, and it had reverted to its former condition.

 The entire city seems to have returned to normalcy, and the people are engaged in their normal activities. There were banners across the streets in several places in the city which read “Congratulations to the new president Mun Jae-in.” Most of the people seem to be relieved. This is no doubt a honeymoon period.

 One thing that caught my concern, however, was the fact that no one in Seoul seemed especially distraught over the North Korean threat. It is easy to dismiss this as “heiwa boke” [see previous postings], but this is probably also one way to deal with the situation when one is faced with a continuing threat.

6月26日(月) シン・東京裁判 真相はこうだ!  チケット情報



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