Is Ms. Tsujimoto a “Kokkai Giin” [see below]
Change from “Instinctive Dislike” of the Imperial Family to “Must Respect the Emperor”
[As background for foreign readers, members of the Diet (National Assembly, Parliament, or Congress) are called “国会議員kokkai giin,” but the “kai” portion can be changed to a different Chinese character meaning “destroy” to read “国壊議員” meaning a member set upon the destruction of the country.]
【ニッポンの新常識】 Common Knowledge Revisited 121

 No matter how much “freedom of speech” is guaranteed by the constitution, there are limits.

 「生理的にいやだと思わない? ああいう人達というか、ああいうシステム、ああいう一族がいる近くで空気を吸いたくない」
 “Don’t you have an instinctive dislike for these people? Those people, that system, I don’t want to breath the air close to that family.”

 Before she set up the grass-roots international friendship organization “Peace Boat” and became a politician, Democratic Party Diet member Kiyomi Tsujimoto in the book “Kiyomi Suru De!! Shinjinrui ga Fune wo Dasu! [Kiyomi Will Do It!! The Younger Generation Sets Sail!]” (Daisan Shokan) published in March 1987 wrote the above about the royal family. She stated emphatically that the emperor system “is the root of all evil.” This was reported in the Sankei Newspaper on June 9th.

 This issue was raised by Japan Restoration Party Diet member Yasushi Adachi on June 8th at the Lower House Constitutional Deliberative Council. Mr. Adachi brought up Ms. Tsujimoto’s past where she advocated abolition of the imperial system, and said critically that “It is not appropriate for Ms. Tsujimoto, who has repeatedly made such comments, to serve as a coordinator on the Constitutional Deliberative Council.”

 In response, Ms. Tsujimoto admitted that “I made those comments when I was a student about 30 years ago,” and then went on to say that “Under the constitution of Japan, Japan was reborn as a country which renounces war. It is necessary to respect the emperor as a symbol of the people as provide in the constitution. My views then were very one-sided, and I humbly reconsider them.”

 Exactly when did Ms. Tsujimoto humbly reconsider?

 According to excerpts from the Sankei Newspaper (June 10th), in a book published in 1998 after her election to the Diet, she wrote as follows.

 “The provisions of Articles 1 through 8 of the constitution concerning the emperor should be deleted,” and “Personally I am against the imperial system. I still oppose it.”

 In addition, as reported in Shukan Shincho (October 13, 2005), when Ms. Tsujimoto participated as a guest at the adult event “Women’s Festival” held only for women in Shibuya, Tokyo she stated “It is said that members of the Diet should protect the lives and property of the people, but I have no such intention. I am a Diet member whose role is to destroy the framework of the nation.”

 Upon reading this article, I felt on her part no intention either to respect the constitution or to serve all the people as a Diet member. The word which came to mind is “Kokkai Giin” [国壊議員 – see above]. She visited the People’s Republic of China and North Korea on the Peace Boat, and there are plenty of entries on the internet detailing their relations with her.

 In July 2003, she was arrested by the Metropolitan Police No. 2 Investigation [Fraud] Department for fraudulent misappropriation of publicly subsidized wages ostensibly to be used for an official secretary, and she received a guilty verdict of 5 years of probation in lieu of 2 years imprisonment. Although she has served her time, it is entirely understandable why the people would still have reservations about her as she is the very person who most needs to offer a clear explanation to the people.

 To address the suspicions of the people, Ms. Tsujimoto should hold a press conference in which she clearly explains her views about the imperial system and her posture as a member of the Diet. If at that time she were to state “Don’t you have an instinctive dislike for the [North Korean] Kim family?” the Japanese people would no doubt feel great satisfaction.

6月26日(月) シン・東京裁判 真相はこうだ!  チケット情報



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