it all started here -

flyer shootings, paint it black:

brainstorming rehearsals, members only.

phase 1: so many readings, involving much laughter...

moving into rehearsal room w/ props & costumes,
and phase 2: playgroundish rehearsals. our first encounter with Richard.

block games, and, well, more readings.

phase 3: few ideas born here have survived and evolved into scenes in the final performance. many, didn't. see how set plans have begun to evolve into what you have seen.

phase 4: many strong images have begun to shape the outlines of the performance...

Behind the scenes: Masahiro Kondo, a.k.a. Kon-chan, created not only so many wonderfully detailed props, but baked so many cakes for us, on birthdays and unbirthdays!

and phase 5: digging into the scenes. we mold out the core components of the scenes, rehearsing scenes in many different settings, and styles...

phase 6: now most of the scenes look familiar, but still some scenes don't make it to the final performance...

last minute experiments, see which ones have been carried on and which haven't...

And to the theatres!  constructing the set.

technical rehearsals: with lighting and visual projections. this moment of convergence always excites us actors as well.

so, here are the visual images of the characters I played in Richard III, on and off the set.

backstage shots with the other characters.

Thanks for sharing your imagination with our company!!!

「POCKET HISTORY ヘンリー六世 三部作」

And our creations continue on...
