Composer Ryuichi Sakamoto recentry visited disaster striken area and mentioned about animals left in No-go-zone. (msn news )

"Myself, grew up with cats, so I understand that pets are our family. I'm not sure if I can bear such an unreasonable situations like living my life separately from them.

About the animals left in No-go-zone, I can't understand why animals' lives are not be treated equally to us. This is nothing but our arrogance.

Farm animals have been treated as resources before and after the disaster. If we are treated as resources, what do you think about that?

I think this disaster has brought the things like issues and how we think about animals into sharp relief."

He also mentioned about euthanasia of cats and dogs in Japan.

"In Japan, over 200,000 cats and dogs are killed every year. Our greed is taking their rights to live away. We have to adopt and foster animals, not to kill them."

He and his fellow members established "FreePets "(Think about lives of animals called pets) and submitted a demanding paper to the governments to save the animals in No-go-zone.

He also submitted over 30,000 signatures about an amendment of the Animal Welfare and Management Law to the Ministry of Environment on July 26.

On the other hand, his daughter, a musician Miu Sakamoto will appear "Dogs, Cats, and Cattle Festival" in Shibuya, Tokyo. わんわんにゃーおうし座 (Her Blog )

Live and talkカラオケ Think about suffered animals, relation between people and animals.

★Date: August 4

★Place: Club asia  1-8 Maruyamachou Shibuya-ku Tokyo

★Time: 17:30 open/18:30 start

★Ticket: \1,000 Reservation/Club asia: 03-5458-2551(15:00~23:00)

★Live appearances: Robin&Shimmy, Miu Sakamoto, akiko

Thank them for taking actions! Celebrities are very influential to catch peoples' attentions.









坂本氏は仲間と「FreePets 」(ペットと呼ばれる動物たちの生命を考える会)を設立、警戒区域の動物救済のための要望書を政府、自治体に提出しました。また、動物愛護管理法改正に関する3万人を超える署名を、7月26日に環境省へ提出しました。

一方、坂本氏の娘でありミュージシャンの坂本美雨さんは、渋谷で開催される「いぬねこうし祭」に出演します(坂本美雨さんブログ )。被災動物のこと、人と動物との関わりについて考えるライブ・トークイベントカラオケ


★場所… Club asia  東京都渋谷区円山町1-8

★時間… 17:30 開場/18:30 開演

★チケット…¥1,000 予約…Club asia: 03-5458-2551(15:00~23:00)

★ライブ出演… Robin&Shimmy, 坂本美雨, akiko
