Alpinist, Ken Noguchi reported what he saw and felt when he entered inside of the No-go-zone in June. (His Blog )

He had a permission from a mayor of Minamisoma City and entered the zone with a member of the diet, Tsutomu Takamura .

He saw tons of decomposed dead bodies coverd with maggots in the farm.

Cattles were dead with their necks fixed. (Milk cows are usually fixed their necks when they are fed)

"It was just like a battlefield".

Some pigs were alive eating the dead bodies. They were staring at him as if appealing, "Help us!!" He lost his words. It was like the scene of a massacre.

So many of them have died in great agonies because of starvation. And now, live ones have been euthanized.

He thought that humans were so selfish. And he was so sorry for the animals.

He really feels that the government does not treat animals' lives as "lives".

He also says that If we can only treat their lives as "things", we may treat peoples' lives as a same way.

He said. "I had a really hard time being there and it was a heartbreaking experience. But there is no point to grieve. Better to do something.

I will keep taking actions to establish "Farm Sanctuary" exchanging of opinions with people such as Tsutomu Takamura, farmers in Fukushima and reserchers."

I heared that number of accesses of his blog has increased up to 250,000 and it has received about 500 comments. Many of them knew what was happening for the first time and want medias to broadcast about this more.

Thank him to take actions and report about this with many sad photoes.

I want medias to broadcast about this more and more. People MUST know.

アルピニストの野口健さんが、6月に警戒区域内に入り、そこで見たこと、感じたことを報告されています(野口健さんブログ )。











