
I used rarely to take photos until I started blogging. Now I'm strongly feeling of the changing of the season. 


At the first, the clocus told me the spring was just around the corner.

次に咲いたのが、スミレと春スイセン。The secondld, the violets and the narcissus open in Mar.

そして春の代表、チューリップが咲いた♪ Then the typical flower of the spring, the tulips open in the end of Mar.

ここからが速かった。ミニチューリップが咲いて。。。I felt the coming of the spring after the tulips opened.  Soon after the tulips opened, mini tulips became being in bloom in early April.

そして、今はフリージアが咲き始めました(*^。^*) And now, the freesias are in bloom.

そして、既に夏の足音が。グラジオラスが蕾を付けました♪ I'm enjoying the weather of the spring, but the next season, the summer is waiting its' time. The buds of gladiolus is starting to grow.

おまけ(#^.^#) Extra.

完全に母に存在を忘れられたと思われるホウレンソウ。とうとう蕾を付けました(^_^.) Probably my mom completely forgot this spinaches. The buds grow.

完全に油断した(+_+) 春菊に蕾がついてしまった;; I completely missed to check! The garland chrysanthemums are almost ready to open their buds.

梅の実がこんなに大きくなりました(#^.^#) The fruits of Ume (Japanese apricot) are growing day by day.

via Well being lab
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